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lynx-dev Re: [dev.15] fixup patch: edit TEXTAREA

From: Kim DeVaughn
Subject: lynx-dev Re: [dev.15] fixup patch: edit TEXTAREA
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:24:40 -0800

On Fri, Jan 29, 1999, Mike Castle (address@hidden) said:
| > The filtering is only performed in the other direction (file --> lynx),
| > and is only performed on byte values of x'00' - x'1F' (with TAB's being
| > expanded to spaces, mod 8).
| Don't forget about EBCDIC, though.

Should be OK, so long as Blue's compiler uses the proper EBCDIC
char for '\t' (x'05' according to my copy of the POO, as opposed
to ASCII's 0x09 byte value).  I imagine that that is true, since
there is a similar discrepancy on the byte value that represents
a LF (aka \n), among others.  So the TAB expansion should work.

And while in EBCDIC, a SPACE is x'40' (0x20 in ASCII), all chars
before it are still control codes, as in ASCII, so they shouldn't
be in a text file either (other than \n, \r, \t).  We can argue
over whether VT and FF should be allowed, or not, but why would
they legitimately ever be *in* a TEXTAREA, and what should lynx
do with them if they are (other than to display a ".", as I do
now, or something similar)?

Anyway, since the test for control chars is coded as (*cp < ' '),
there again shouldn't be a problem, if the compiler is doing the
right thing.

Try it out, and lemee know if there is a problem.


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