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lynx-dev Compile problems w/Borland CBuilder4 (C++5.4)

From: Webmaster Jim
Subject: lynx-dev Compile problems w/Borland CBuilder4 (C++5.4)
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 12:50:39 -0400

I've just gotten a new compiler for Win32 in hopes of being able to
build Lynx distributions. The box says "CBuilder 4", but the command
line mode tells me it's "Borland C++ 5.4 for Win32". I'm trying to adapt
some of the existing Borland makefiles, etc. that Wayne Buttles had
done. Apparently a lot of internals have changed...

I can build tiny C programs but have problems with Lynx code. The
simplest thing to try I thought was makeuctb.c. Here are some of the
errors (the "..." is path to BCC32 include dir):

Warning W8005 ...winnt.h 1573: Bit fields must be signed or unsigned int
Error E2139 ...winnt.h 2428: Declaration missing ;
Error E2257 ...winbase.h 716: , expected
Error E2303 ...winbase.h 2058: Type name expected
Error E2293 ...winbase.h 2066: ) expected
Warning W8071 makeuctb.c 159: Conversion may lose significant digits 
  in function addpair_str
Warning W8071 makeuctb.c 205: Conversion may lose significant digits 
  in function addpair
Warning W8071 makeuctb.c 650: Conversion may lose significant digits 
  in function main
Warning W8071 makeuctb.c 681: Conversion may lose significant digits 
  in function main
*** 4 errors in Compile ***

Looking at the includes did me no good; winnt.h line 2428 has this:
    PCONTEXT ContextRecord;
within a typedef.

Has anyone used this compiler?

Marvin the Paranoid Android.

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