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Re: lynx-dev dump without numbers

From: Miles O'Neal
Subject: Re: lynx-dev dump without numbers
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 19:37:34 -0600 (CST)

Matt Ackeret said...

|>There's a sample script (2.8.5dev.3, iirc) named lynxdump which does this.
|Maybe I'm zoning out..  but I have links numbered when I'm running
|normally, but my dump output ISN'T having links numbered..
|/usr/local/bin/lynx -crawl -useragent=Lynx -nolist -dump
|is NOT showing numbers..   I did run that interactively, btw, I thought
|maybe it was because it was running under cron (I have that run every
|weekday at 3pm and mail it to me)... but it works interactively too.

You're right; using -crawl with -dump turns off
the numbers (and the references).  That's exactly
what I wanted all along - I'd just never have
thought to try that set of options.

Now, was it always this way, or is this a bug
that might get fixed and change?


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