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Re: lynx-dev Problems with lynx 2.8.4 (file upload etc.)

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Problems with lynx 2.8.4 (file upload etc.)
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 15:18:16 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 05:42:30AM +0200, Frank Heckenbach wrote:
> Hi,
> I've upgraded to lynx 2.8.4. I'm very pleased with the new features
> (including tables, file upload, SSL), but I'm having one real
> problem and some smaller issues.

> Small issues:
> 1.)
> A HTML page containing a file upload form is shown as:
>    [FILE Input] (Not yet implemented.)[49]____________________
> even though is it in fact implemented.
> 2.)
> When leaving a file input field empty, lynx says "Can't open file
> for uploading". (Background: Some web pages offer a form with
> several file inputs, so one can upload several files at once.
> However, if one wants to upload less files, one can just leave some
> of the fields empty. This doesn't work with lynx.)

I fixed (at least partly) these in the 2.8.5 patches.  There's no selection
dialog though.  But now files are encoded only if they need to be.
> 4.)
> Table cells containing <br> tags cause a staircase effect, e.g:

it depends on the type of table - some fit into TRST's model, some don't.
>   --enable-nested-tables
>    Extends TRST to format nested tables, as well as be smarter about
>    <BR> and <P> tags in table cells.
> but I'm not sure what this means. I don't know what TRST is, or
> whether I need to set something in lynx.cfg ...

it's automatic - with the caveat that some of the functionality relies
on markup which is maintained for the color-style code.  There's a
runtime toggle (~) to turn that part on/off.

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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