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Re: NU-B question about including other files

From: Mike Gibson
Subject: Re: NU-B question about including other files
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 14:02:09 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (Windows/20040502)

I'd like to thank averybody for the help, but I must abuse of youselves even 
further. It'd make it much, but much easy if you could use the example files to 
add or remove code, that way I can do the modifications with out any hesitation.

There's no need to change anything in your Makefile.  Just type "make
all" rather than just "make" to invoke the Make utility, and it will
do what you want.

Except he didn't have an "all" rule in the makefile. So that wouldn't work. Unless the "all" target has been hardcoded into make. Also, he *should* be able to simply run "make" with no arguments to build his program. That is the way that make was designed to work. Why not make his life easier and explain the "correct" way to solve the problem?

Mike Gibson

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