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Re: patch to function.c (was Re: Schedule for GNU make 3.81)

From: Alessandro Vesely
Subject: Re: patch to function.c (was Re: Schedule for GNU make 3.81)
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 14:08:43 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Miles Duke wrote:
You [ale] wrote:

As a side effect of that investigation I posted

I don't think it's worth the hassle of testing it, unless someone
has unknown problems with CreateProcess or CreatePipe in W32.

I have unknown problems with CreateProcess(). [... intermittent bug 

[snipped: output from failing CreateProcess]

The intermittent symptoms seem consistent with the problem reported in

Hmmm... I've tried to reproduce the error running a couple of fairly
recent make versions against Svend's bug.mak, but both failed saying

   *** No rule to make target `condat/condat_env.mak'.  Stop.

However, I had replaced cpp.exe and perl.exe with a dummy executable.

I have applied your patch to function.c. If it works, I'll vote for your patch!

As the useless_patch still has 0 votes, I assume it didn't work.
Did you try the new 3.81 version?
If that fails, do you have a (set of) makefiles that reproduce the bug?


Miles Duke

Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging

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