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[Mingw-cross-env-list] [patch] upgrade openscenegraph

From: Martin Lambers
Subject: [Mingw-cross-env-list] [patch] upgrade openscenegraph
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 08:15:03 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

On Mon, 19. Apr 2010, 22:04:59 +0200, Mark Brand wrote:
> There are newer packages available for gtk and openscenegraph, but maybe  
> somebody else would like to work on getting them to build in  
> mingw-cross-env.

Here's the update for OpenSceneGraph, from 2.8.2 to 2.8.3.

There were four patches to make 2.8.2 work in mingw-cross-env. Patches
3 and 4 are upstream now and are dropped by this update. Patch 2 is
upstream, but only in HEAD and not in the 2.8.x branch, so we have to
keep it for now. Patch 1 had to be updated, but only because the line
endings of CMakeLists.txt changed to CRLF; there were no other changes.

The base part of patch 1 (using multiple .pc files) comes from upstream,
but will only appear in 3.0 and not in 2.8.x. The mingw-cross-env
specific part of patch 1 (adding information about static plugins to the
.pc files) might have a chance to go upstream if a CMake expert (i.e.
not me :) manages to extract the necessary plugin information from within
the CMake script and write it into the .pc files automatically. So we
habe to keep patch 1 for now, but we can simplify or even drop it once
3.0 is released.


Attachment: osg.patch.gz
Description: Binary data

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