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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Qt built with mingw does not define Q_WS_WIN

From: Nikos Chantziaras
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Qt built with mingw does not define Q_WS_WIN
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 01:49:58 +0300
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On 04/26/2010 01:20 AM, Volker Grabsch wrote:
Volker Grabsch<address@hidden>  schrieb:
Nikos Chantziaras<address@hidden>  schrieb:
On 03/29/2010 12:34 AM, Mark Brand wrote:
I hadn't noticed that before. Would you mind checking whether changing
QMAKE_DEL_FILE in usr/i686-pc-mingw32/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf fixes

Indeed it does.

Is there a way to fix that in Mingw-cross-env? Why is it set correctly
on most other systems, but not on Nikos'? Should we set QMAKE_DEL_FILE

Just as a reminder: Is that still an open issue, or did we
solve it in the meantime?

It's not an issue anymore.  Works as intended.

Also, building the ds9 backend for Phonon requires headers Nokia
includes in its MinGW distribution but are not in the standard MInGW
packages and also not (yet) in mingw-cross-env. It's being worked on for
mingw-cross-env. I'd be happy to send you my patches for this, assembled
>from the Nokia changes, if you would like to try them.

That's not a high-priority here at the moment.  Unless you're looking
for testers, in which case I can give them a try.

Please wait a day before testing. We have DirectX headers and libs
from various sources. Mark tried to combine them, and I'm trying
to improve his combination by investigating the reliability of the

I'll clean up Mingw-cross-env's DirectX stuff as soon as possible.
Then you can test directly against the current development version.

Well, the DirectX stuff needed more than one cleanup, but I think
it is done by now.

It would be great if you could try again building your project
with mingw-cross-env.

I switched to SDL for my project and dropped Phonon. But I'll give it a test anyway.

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