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[Mldonkey-users] overnet port

From: Ralf Schmitt
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] overnet port
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 16:02:16 +0200

Hello mldonkey-users,

  i've got the cvs from 2002/10/05 and the following questions hope
  someone can help a little bit.

  i've routed port 4662 to mldonkey and everything is fine!
  i've also routed the mldonkey default port 5865 for overnet
  to mldonkey but I see no traffic on that port ???
  The ovstats command tells me that i've got 51 peers ok, but
  i get no search results from them! (used "x keyword")
  is there a special overnet search command or is my portmapping wrong
  or anything else.
  ah i set    overnet_search_keyword = true
              overnet_search_sources = true

Ralf Schmitt                          mailto:address@hidden

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