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Some stuff....

From: Christian Hopp
Subject: Some stuff....
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 14:15:24 +0100 (CET)


I have again some ideas for discussion...

1) [Feature]

   An optional "DESC[RIPTION] STRING" entry for every check.  It might
   be useful in cases that more then one admin uses monit.  It should
   display in the web interface, maybe in the status and in the alert
   emails too.

2) [Feature]

   A possibility to run Monit as "CGI" => Monit's status in html
   format additionally to the normal status.

3) [Security]

   A "dumb" mode for the httpd server => for the paranoid admin.  In
   case you want to have the status in the httpd but no interaction.

4) [Security]

   Monit server <-> monit client communication via "file socket"
   instead of network => for the paranoid admin.  Why?  You can give a
   "file socket" a more refined permissions then a network socket.
   Even if the socket is just directed to localhost, everyone on that
   computer can send data to it.  For the "file socket" you still need
   the permission on the system".

        USE ADDRESS /var/run/monit.sock root root 0600

5) [Feature]

   Additional process resources:

        - number of child processes
        - then also possible... total memory of all child processes

6) [Feature] But I don't like but it might be necessary...

   I18N... central string tables... etc.


Christian Hopp                                email: address@hidden
Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik             fon: +49-5323-72-2113
TU Clausthal, Leibnizstr. 28, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerf.   fax: +49-5323-72-3197

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