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Features for discussion

From: Christian Hopp
Subject: Features for discussion
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 09:51:04 +0100 (CET)


Being at a conference gave me some time thinking about some features
we should discuss about.

1) SHA-1 support.  Whenever I heard people talking about MD5 it was in
one sentence with "outdated" or "old".

2) ARP (MAC address) tests in host services.  It might be a good arp
spoofing protection (paranoid) people might find useful.

3) In file services:
   - We should think about how to include extended attributes as they
   become more important in server systems.
   - A "if [growing|shrinking]" support as minor logfile protection.
   - Making use of FAM (file alteration monitor).
   - Special treatment of devices/sockets -> whenever connected to a device
   or not.



Christian Hopp                                email: address@hidden
Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik             fon: +49-5323-72-2113
TU Clausthal, Leibnizstr. 28, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerf.   fax: +49-5323-72-3197

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