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Re: Path and argument problem... solution?

From: Christian Hopp
Subject: Re: Path and argument problem... solution?
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 12:37:11 +0200 (CEST)

On 30 Aug 2002, Jan-Henrik Haukeland wrote:

> I have checked in some new code that can handle up to 64 arguments per
> program. I used your excellent suggestion with flex start condition,
> and it seems to work okay and the code manage to handle the following:
> > >     start = "/bin/sh -c {
> > >                echo $$> /tmp/pid;
> > >                /sbin/myserver -x -y -z;
> > >              }"
> >
> >    start = "/bin/foo --message 'Monit Rulez!'"
> >    start = "/bin/foo --message 'I like LaTeX umlaute "a "o "u'"
> >    start = "/bin/foo\ bar"
> > Later... I can try to tidy up the language a bit.
> I have tried to cleanup the lexer and the parser and it looks a bit
> better now, at least the lexer. If you have other ideas for cleaning
> up it is most welcome.

Just little things...

1) Beautification... I try to give lonesome quotes comments with
   quotes to fix syntax highlighting. (status->done)

2) I think we should use my string quote trimmer to have the
   possibility to use double quotes in single quoted strings. (second
   example above)   (status->done)

3) We should capture escaped chars (at least the important ones): "\t",
   "\n", "\ ".  (status->not yet done)

4) We should add a possibility to a some kind of variables like
   "$pid", "$service", "$checksum", ...  in first I thought of using
   an environment variable for it but there is no execve, just execle.
   And that would be a not so nice hack.  An other possibility would
   be to substitute the variables at start time. (status->wish)

> Another thing. The spawn command for starting programs from monit
> should send an alert message when it fails to execute a program.
> Because we need to free memory before the execv it's not easy to do
> this nice. For now I have changed the function's signature to take a
> Process_T object as well as a Command_T object. The idea is that the
> mailinglist in the Process_T object can be used to send an alert mail
> if spawn (i.e. execv) fails to start a program. I have to think a bit
> more on how to do this and any suggestions are welcome!

Return it as a wait to the fork and do the exit after a timeout?

> BTW, since we collect the load average and other statistics it could
> maybe be nice to display the current values in the runtime and process
> in the web interface, or what do you think?

Acknowledged => put to todo!

> Finally, on the side note, I have started to subscribe to a new coding
> style for if(), while(), for() and such statements. So now, instead of
> writing
>  if ( expr ) or for ( expr )
> I have started to write
>  if(expr) and for(expr)
> Just a fyi :)

I have tried my best to adept your style guide... but I became a
programmer of a language which does not need this puny
brackets... python. (-:


Christian Hopp                                email: address@hidden
Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik             fon: +49-5323-72-2113
Technische Universität Clausthal                         fax: +49-5323-72-3197
  pgpkey:  (2001-11-22)

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