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Re: monit & log rotation

From: Nick Upson
Subject: Re: monit & log rotation
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 16:40:16 +0100

Thanks, so if I always do a reload after the logrotate I can avoid the bug?

On 25/07/07, Jan-Henrik Haukeland <address@hidden> wrote:
On 25. jul. 2007, at 16.20, Nick Upson wrote:

> I have defined a log for monit to write and it does but when logrotate
> moves the first log aside monit continues to write to the old file
> with the new name.
> I tried doing a "monit reload" which usually works but sometimes monit
> seems to get confused and stop writing to any logfile at all.
> Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong

Unfortunately there is a bug in monit 4.9 that after a monit reload
has the log function use an uninitialized mutex. Sounds like you
found that bug :)  It is fixed in CVS and you can try this snapshot
version of monit:

Otherwise, after a logrotate, calling 'monit reload' is the correct
way to do this. This way, monit reopens its log file. If you don't
call 'monit reload' monit will continue writing to the old log file
even if it was renamed.

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