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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: monotone & CVS import

From: graydon hoare
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: monotone & CVS import
Date: 12 Nov 2003 10:28:40 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Tom Tromey <address@hidden> writes:

> The eclipse repository import crashed:
> monotone: misuse: prohibited whitespace character found in component
> 'test plugin' of 'org.eclipse.ant.tests.core/test
> plugin/org/eclipse/ant/tests/core/testplugin/,v'
> Path names in the eclipse repository often have spaces in them.  Sad
> but true.

ok. we can relax the path restrictions a bit, if you like. I started
with them *really* draconian (posix compliant, which is a lot tighter
than you'd think!) but have been gradually relaxing it.

space character is an unfortunate special case becuse some data in
monotone is whitespace delimited (manifest entries and historical
rename certs). so .. hmm. I think manifests would survive introducing
space as an allowed character since they have exactly 40 characters of
hex as their first component, and then 2 spaces, then "rest of line" as
the path name. can't add '\n', but I don't think many files have that.

historical rename certs will break if we add ' ', but I don't know if
anyone's using them aside from me so far, and I can repair my own just
by re-issuing the cert. is anyone else using them yet? would '\n' be a
good separator for structured data inside such certs? or '\0', just to
be safe? how about a netstring, len:<len bytes...> ? it'd be nice to
keep it possible to print the cert value to stdout.

( note this discussion intersects previous message on i18n issues: )

I'd like to get any such breakage out of the way before we get to
'1.0', after which point I'm going to be much stingier about
disrupting committed-to formats. since I only invented the rename
certs 1 release ago, I still feel OK fiddling with them a bit.


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