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[Monotone-devel] Re: key-management problem

From: Peter Simons
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: key-management problem
Date: 16 Jun 2005 20:16:38 +0200

Bruce Stephens writes:

 > Now I come to think of it, this is likely to be tricky.

I thought so. :-(

For what it's worth, I think having _some_ procedure to deal with
this case would be very beneficial. Users _will_ lose secret keys
(or forget their pass phrase), and then they'll want to generate
a new key with the same ID string without losing their prior
work. As it is now, that seems to be impossible.

Another question are key poisoning attacks. Let's say that I can
push keys and certificates into the repository, and
let's say that I upload a key <address@hidden> plus dozens
of patches that are signed with it. Now what happens when the
_legitimate_ owner of that e-mail address ever creates a key?


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