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[Monotone-devel] New translations

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: [Monotone-devel] New translations
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 23:28:27 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20071031)

Hey all!

At first Happy Holidays to everyone! I was kind of sick to find new
untranslated messages in monotone just because one or more files where
missing from po/, so I played around a bit and created this:

$ egrep -RIc "\bFP?\(" * | egrep -v "\:0$" |\
   egrep -v "^(botan|tests|tester_dir|HACKING)" |\
   egrep -v "tester.*?\.cc" | sort

(I tried to get rid of the :123 part in the final output with sed, but
it just wasn't my day..., sed -e 's/\([^:]+\):.+/\1/' and various other
regexes and options didn't work out)

Anyways, I added the missing files in now (I kept those
files which did not pop up in the above output for various reasons) and
sorted it. The good news is that I believe i18n support should be fairly
complete now, the bad news - at least for translators - is that there
are 64 new strings to (re)translate. Also, because the file order in has changed slightly, the next time you run make
xx.po-update will move around translated entries a bit.

If you now find files listed in from which you think they
should not contain translatable messages, check if F() could be replaced
by FL() in them.

I hope everything still works well.


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