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[Monotone-devel] bug when running mtn ssh_agent_export ~/.ssh/id_monoton

From: Vince Milner
Subject: [Monotone-devel] bug when running mtn ssh_agent_export ~/.ssh/id_monotone when ~/.ssh does not exist
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 23:29:28 +0000 (GMT)

I mistakenly ran

mtn ssh_agent_export ~/.ssh/id_monotone

when ~/.ssh didn't exist.

address@hidden:~$ mtn ssh_agent_export ~/.ssh/id_monotone
enter passphrase for key ID address@hidden:
enter new passphrase for key ID address@hidden:
confirm passphrase for key ID address@hidden:
mtn: fatal: Botan::Stream_IO_Error: Botan: I/O error: DataSink_Stream: Failure writing to std::ostream
mtn: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.
mtn: please send this error message, the output of 'mtn version --full',
mtn: and a description of what you were doing to address@hidden
mtn: wrote debugging log to /home/vince/.monotone/dump
mtn: if reporting a bug, please include this file
address@hidden:~$ mtn version --full
monotone 0.40 (base revision: 5ccc279f9dea0444b47f03dd5291ecc985fcb7f6)
Running on          : Linux 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686
C++ compiler        : GNU C++ version 4.3.1
C++ standard library: GNU libstdc++ version 20080814
Boost version       : 1_34_1
Changes since base revision:

address@hidden:~$ more /home/vince/.monotone/dump
address@hidden:~$ mkdir  ~/.ssh
address@hidden:~$  mtn ssh_agent_export ~/.ssh/id_monotone
enter passphrase for key ID address@hidden:
enter new passphrase for key ID address@hidden:
confirm passphrase for key ID address@hidden:

(i.e. works now ~/.ssh exist)


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