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Re: [nrdo-list] compiling NRDO Library from command prompt

From: Stuart Ballard
Subject: Re: [nrdo-list] compiling NRDO Library from command prompt
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2003 10:52:02 -0400
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Michael Hitchcock wrote:

Nint.cs(194,24): error CS0564: Overloaded shift operator must have the type
of the first operand be the containing type, and the type of the second
operand must be int.

Nint.cs(197,24): error CS0564: Overloaded shift operator must have the type
of the first operand be the containing type, and the type of the second
operand must be int.

This is worrying to me. I'd really like to know what version of the .NET framework you're compiling with, as my best guess is that the problem is due to an incompatibility between the version we have in VS.NET (1.0.something) and the version of the framework you have.

If your framework version is NEWER than 1.0, this sounds like a change MS has made to the C# language since then. Which is slightly odd because it's a change which makes the language *less* flexible, by limiting what you're allowed to do in a << or >> operator.

I wonder if we can find a log of the "changes from 1.0 to 1.1" anywhere...

Obviously, to fix this I would change "Nint b" to "int b" but why does this
error not occur when building the library from Visual Studio .Net and what
are the ramifications of changing it to int?

The ramifications are, essentially, that a Nint would no longer behave exactly like an int when it's placed on the right-hand side of a "<<" or ">>" operation.

Although this is a fairly rare occurence (I doubt it's used anywhere in any code currently) it introduces one more incompatibility between int and Nint that I'd like to avoid if possible. If .NET 1.1 enforces that rule, though, then that's what we have to do.


Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

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