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Re: C++ version of regexprep.cc

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: C++ version of regexprep.cc
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 16:00:33 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-7.6.20060mdk (X11/20050322)

Paul Kienzle wrote:

> On Apr 28, 2006, at 6:51 AM, David Bateman wrote:
>> Paul Kienzle wrote:
>>> BTW, why isn't the whole discussion on maintainers?
>> Hey, you started :-) ...
> IIRC, this followed from the regexp discussion which
> followed from the discussion about including the
> test suite in Octave, which followed from the MinGW
> discussion, which I believe I initiated a few
> years ago, so maybe...
> Regardless, lets put future discussion of the topic
> on maintainers.

Ok. As requested its on maintainers now...

While looking at how to eliminate the feval in regexprep, I felt it was
easier to in fact implement the linked list manner of building the
matches in regexp at the same time, and as you suspected it is much much
faster than resizing the return values at each new match. The time
comparison on my machine is

octave:1> s = repmat('s',[1,5]); regexp(s,'s')
ans =

  1  2  3  4  5

octave:2> s = repmat('s',[1,1000]); tic; regexp(s,'s'); toc
Elapsed time is 0.798393 seconds.
octave:3> s = repmat('s',[1,2000]); tic; regexp(s,'s'); toc
Elapsed time is 3.107239 seconds.
octave:4> s = repmat('s',[1,3000]); tic; regexp(s,'s'); toc
Elapsed time is 7.145126 seconds.

prior to converting to using a linked list and with the attached version is

octave:1>  s = repmat('s',[1,5]); regexp(s,'s')
ans =

  1  2  3  4  5

octave:2> s = repmat('s',[1,1000]); tic; regexp(s,'s'); toc
Elapsed time is 0.014191 seconds.
octave:3> s = repmat('s',[1,2000]); tic; regexp(s,'s'); toc
Elapsed time is 0.023567 seconds.
octave:4> s = repmat('s',[1,3000]); tic; regexp(s,'s'); toc
Elapsed time is 0.050476 seconds.

So it is linear time and not quadratic. What effect does this version
have on your xml4mat code? In any case I'm inclined to commit this
version as is, unless you see any other changes that you want to make
first. John comments?


David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris                        +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) 
Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin    +33 6 72 01 06 33 (Mob) 
91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE                  +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) 

The information contained in this communication has been classified as: 

[x] General Business Information 
[ ] Motorola Internal Use Only 
[ ] Motorola Confidential Proprietary


Copyright (C) 2005 David Bateman
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Paul Kienzle

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


// regexprep should be written as an m-file based on regexp

#include <config.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>

#include "defun-dld.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "gripes.h"
#include "oct-obj.h"
#include "utils.h"

#include "Cell.h"
#include "oct-map.h"
#include "str-vec.h"
#include "quit.h"
#include "parse.h"

#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
#include <pcre.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define __restrict
#include <regex.h>

// The regexp is constructed as a linked list to avoid resizing the
// return values in arrays at each new match.

// FIXME don't bother collecting and composing return values the user
// doesn't want.

class regexp_elem
  regexp_elem (const string_vector _named_token, const Cell _t, 
               const std::string _m, const Matrix _te, const double _s, 
               const double _e) :
    named_token (_named_token), t (_t), m (_m), te (_te), s (_s), e (_e), 
    next (0) { }

  regexp_elem (const regexp_elem &a) : named_token (a.named_token), t (a.t), 
                                       m (a.m), te (a.te), s (a.s), e (a.e), 
                                       next (a.next) { }
  void set_next (regexp_elem *_next) { next = _next; };

  string_vector named_token;
  Cell t;
  std::string m;
  Matrix te;
  double s;
  double e;
  regexp_elem *next;

static int
octregexp_list (const octave_value_list &args, const std::string &nm, 
                bool case_insensitive, regexp_elem **lst, 
                string_vector &named, int &nopts)
  int sz = 0;
#if defined (HAVE_REGEX) || defined (HAVE_PCRE) 
  int nargin = args.length();
  bool once = false;
  bool lineanchors = false;
  bool dotexceptnewline = false;
  bool freespacing = false;

  nopts = nargin - 2;

  if (nargin < 2)
      return 0;

  std::string buffer = args(0).string_value ();
  if (error_state)
      gripe_wrong_type_arg (nm.c_str(), args(0));
      return 0;

  std::string pattern = args(1).string_value ();
  if (error_state)
      gripe_wrong_type_arg (nm.c_str(), args(1));
      return 0;

  for (int i = 2; i < nargin; i++)
      std::string str = args(i).string_value();
      if (error_state)
          error ("%s: optional arguments must be strings", nm.c_str());
      std::transform (str.begin (), str.end (), str.begin (), tolower);
      if (str.find("once", 0) == 0)
          once = true;
      else if (str.find("matchcase", 0) == 0)
          case_insensitive = false;
      else if (str.find("ignorecase", 0) == 0)
          case_insensitive = true;
      else if (str.find("dotall", 0) == 0)
          dotexceptnewline = false;
      else if (str.find("stringanchors", 0) == 0)
          lineanchors = false;
      else if (str.find("literalspacing", 0) == 0)
          freespacing = false;
      // Only accept these options with pcre
      else if (str.find("dotexceptnewline", 0) == 0)
          dotexceptnewline = true;
      else if (str.find("lineanchors", 0) == 0)
          lineanchors = true;
      else if (str.find("freespacing", 0) == 0)
          freespacing = true;
      else if (str.find("start", 0) && str.find("end", 0) &&
               str.find("tokenextents", 0) && str.find("match", 0) &&
               str.find("tokens", 0) && str.find("names", 0))
        error ("%s: unrecognized option", nm.c_str());
      else if (str.find("names", 0) == 0 ||
               str.find("dotexceptnewline", 0) == 0 ||
               str.find("lineanchors", 0) == 0 ||
               str.find("freespacing", 0) == 0)
       error ("%s: %s not implemented in this version", str.c_str(), 
      else if (str.find("start", 0) && str.find("end", 0) &&
               str.find("tokenextents", 0) && str.find("match", 0) &&
               str.find("tokens", 0))
        error ("%s: unrecognized option", nm.c_str());

  if (!error_state)
      Cell t;
      std::string m;
      double s, e;
      regexp_elem *ptr = 0;

      // named tokens "(?<name>...)" are only treated with PCRE not regex.
      // The syntax of named tokens in pcre is "(?P<name>...)" while we need
      // a syntax "(?<name>...)", so fix that here. Also an expression like
      // "(?<first>\w+)\s+(?<last>\w+)|(?<last>\w+),\s+(?<first>\w+)" should
      // be perfectly legal, while pcre does not allow the same named token
      // name on both sides of the alternative. Also fix that here by replacing
      // name tokens by dummy names, and dealing with the dummy names later.
      size_t pos = 0;
      size_t new_pos;
      int nnames = 0;
      int inames = 0;
      std::ostringstream buf;
      Array<int> named_idx;

      while ((new_pos = pattern.find ("(?<",pos)) != NPOS)
          size_t tmp_pos = pattern.find_first_of ('>',new_pos);

          if (tmp_pos == NPOS)
              error ("syntax error in pattern");

          std::string tmp_name = pattern.substr(new_pos+3,tmp_pos-new_pos-3);
          bool found = false;

          for (int i = 0; i < nnames; i++)
            if (named(i) == tmp_name)
                named_idx(inames) = i;
                found = true;
          if (! found)
              named_idx(inames) = nnames;

          if (new_pos - pos > 0)
            buf << pattern.substr(pos,new_pos-pos);
          if (inames < 10)
            buf << "(?P<n00" << inames++;
          else if (inames < 100)
            buf << "(?P<n0" << inames++;
            buf << "(?P<n" << inames++;
          pos = tmp_pos;

      buf << pattern.substr(pos);

      if (error_state)
        return 0;

      // Compile expression
      pcre *re;
      const char *err;
      int erroffset;
      std::string buf_str = buf.str ();
      re = pcre_compile (buf_str.c_str (),
                         (case_insensitive ? PCRE_CASELESS : 0) |
                         (dotexceptnewline ? 0 : PCRE_DOTALL) |
                         (lineanchors ? PCRE_MULTILINE : 0) |
                         (freespacing ? PCRE_EXTENDED : 0),
                         &err, &erroffset, NULL);
      if (re == NULL) {
        error("%s: %s at position %d of expression", nm.c_str(), 
              err, erroffset);
        return 0;

      int subpatterns;
      int namecount;
      int nameentrysize;
      char *nametable;
      int idx = 0;

      pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT,  &subpatterns);
      pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT, &namecount);
      pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE, &nameentrysize);
      pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE, &nametable);

      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER(int, ovector, (subpatterns+1)*3);
      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER(int, nidx, namecount);

      for (int i = 0; i < namecount; i++)
          // Index of subpattern in first two bytes MSB first of name.
          // Extract index.
          nidx[i] = (static_cast<int>(nametable[i*nameentrysize])) << 8 |


          int matches = pcre_exec(re, NULL, buffer.c_str(), 
                                  buffer.length(), idx, 
                                  (idx ? PCRE_NOTBOL : 0),
                                  ovector, (subpatterns+1)*3);

          if (matches < 0 && matches != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
              error ("%s: internal error calling pcre_exec", nm.c_str());
              return 0;
          else if (matches == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
          else if (ovector[1] <= ovector[0])
              int pos_match = 0;
              Matrix te(matches-1,2);
              for (int i = 1; i < matches; i++)
                  if (ovector[2*i] >= 0 && ovector[2*i+1] > 0)
                      te(pos_match,0) = double (ovector[2*i]+1);
                      te(pos_match++,1) = double (ovector[2*i+1]);
              s = double (ovector[0]+1);
              e = double (ovector[1]);

              const char **listptr;
              int status = pcre_get_substring_list(buffer.c_str(), ovector, 
                                                   matches, &listptr);

              if (status == PCRE_ERROR_NOMEMORY) {
                error("%s: cannot allocate memory in pcre_get_substring_list",
                return 0;

              Cell cell_t (dim_vector(1,pos_match));
              pos_match = 0;
              for (int i = 1; i < matches; i++)
                if (ovector[2*i] >= 0 && ovector[2*i+1] > 0)
                  cell_t(pos_match++) = std::string(*(listptr+i));

              m =  std::string(*listptr);
              t = cell_t;

              string_vector named_tokens(nnames);
              if (namecount > 0)
                for (int i = 1; i < matches; i++)
                    if (ovector[2*i] >= 0 && ovector[2*i+1] > 0)        
                        named_tokens(named_idx(i-1)) = 


              regexp_elem new_elem (named_tokens, t, m, te, s, e);
              if (sz == 0)
                  *lst = new regexp_elem (new_elem);
                  ptr = *lst;
                  ptr->next = new regexp_elem (new_elem);
                  ptr = ptr->next;

              idx = ovector[1];

              if (once)


      regex_t compiled;
      int err=regcomp(&compiled, pattern.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED | 
                      (case_insensitive ? REG_ICASE : 0));
      if (err)
          int len = regerror(err, &compiled, NULL, 0);
          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (char, errmsg, len);
          regerror(err, &compiled, errmsg, len);
          error("%s: %s in pattern (%s)", nm.c_str(), errmsg, 
          return 0;

      int subexpr = 1;
      int idx = 0;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i < pattern.length(); i++)
          subexpr += ( pattern[i] == '(' ? 1 : 0 );
      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (regmatch_t, match, subexpr );


          if (regexec(&compiled, buffer.c_str() + idx, subexpr, 
                      match, (idx ? REG_NOTBOL : 0)) == 0) 
              // Count actual matches
              int matches = 0;
              while (matches < subexpr && match[matches].rm_so >= 0) 

              s = double (match[0].rm_so+1+idx);
              e = double (match[0].rm_eo+idx);
              Matrix te(matches-1,2);
              for (int i = 1; i < matches; i++)
                  te(i-1,0) = double (match[i].rm_so+1+idx);
                  te(i-1,1) = double (match[i].rm_eo+idx);

              m =  buffer.substr (match[0].rm_so+idx, 

              Cell cell_t (dim_vector(1,matches-1));
              for (int i = 1; i < matches; i++)
                cell_t(i-1) = buffer.substr (match[i].rm_so+idx, 
              t = cell_t;

              idx += match[0].rm_eo;

              regexp_elem new_elem (Octave_map(), t, m, te, s, e);
              if (sz == 0)
                  *lst = new regexp_elem (new_elem);
                  ptr = *lst;
                  ptr->next = new regexp_elem (new_elem);
                  pre = ptr->next;


              if (once)
  error ("%s: not available in this version of Octave", nm.c_str());
  return sz;

static octave_value_list
octregexp (const octave_value_list &args, int nargout, const std::string &nm,
           bool case_insensitive)
  octave_value_list retval;
  int nargin = args.length();
  regexp_elem *lst;
  string_vector named;
  int nopts;
  int sz = octregexp_list (args, nm, case_insensitive, &lst, named, nopts);

  if (! error_state)
      // Converted the linked list in the correct form for the return values
      regexp_elem *p;
#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
      if (sz == 1)
          Octave_map nmap;
          for (int i = 0; i < named.length(); i++)
            nmap.assign (named(i), lst->named_token(i));
          retval(5) = nmap;
          Octave_map nmap;
          for (int j = 0; j < named.length (); j++)
              Cell tmp(dim_vector (1, sz));
              p = lst;
              for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
                  tmp(i) = p->named_token(j);
                  p = p->next;
              nmap.assign (named(j), octave_value (tmp));
          retval(5) = nmap;
      retval(5) = Octave_map();

      p = lst;
      Cell t (dim_vector(1, sz));
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
          t(i) = p->t;
          p = p->next;
      retval(4) = t;

      p = lst;
      Cell m (dim_vector(1, sz));
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
          m(i) = p->m;
          p = p->next;
      retval(3) = m;

      p = lst;
      Cell te (dim_vector(1, sz));
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
          te(i) = p->te;
          p = p->next;
      retval(2) = te;

      p = lst;
      NDArray e (dim_vector(1, sz));
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
          e(i) = p->e;
          p = p->next;
      retval(1) = e;

      p = lst;
      NDArray s (dim_vector(1, sz));
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
          s(i) = p->s;
          p = p->next;
      retval(0) = s;

      // Alter the order of the output arguments
      if (nopts > 0)
          int n = 0;
          octave_value_list new_retval;

          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (int, arg_used, 6);
          for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            arg_used[i] = false;
          for (int i = 2; i < nargin; i++)
              int k = 0;
              std::string str = args(i).string_value();
              std::transform (str.begin (), str.end (), str.begin (), tolower);
              if (str.find("once", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("stringanchors", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("lineanchors", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("matchcase", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("ignorecase", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("dotall", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("dotexceptnewline", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("literalspacing", 0) == 0
                  || str.find("freespacing", 0) == 0
              else if (str.find("start", 0) == 0)
                k = 0;
              else if (str.find("end", 0) == 0)
                k = 1;
              else if (str.find("tokenextents", 0) == 0)
                k = 2;
              else if (str.find("match", 0) == 0)
                k = 3;
              else if (str.find("tokens", 0) == 0)
                k = 4;
              else if (str.find("names", 0) == 0)
                k = 5;

              new_retval(n++) = retval(k);
              arg_used[k] = true;

              if (n == nargout)

          // Fill in the rest of the arguments
          if (n < nargout)
              for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                  if (! arg_used[i])
                    new_retval(n++) = retval(i);

          retval = new_retval;

  return retval;

DEFUN_DLD (regexp, args, nargout,
  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
@deftypefn {Loadable Function} address@hidden, @var{e}, @var{te}, @var{m}, 
@var{t}, @var{nm}] =} regexp (@var{str}, @var{pat})\n\
@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} address@hidden =} regexp (@var{str}, @var{pat}, 
@var{opts}, @dots{})\n\
Regular expression string matching. Matches @var{pat} in @var{str} and\n\
returns the position and matching substrings or empty values if there are\n\
The matched pattern @var{pat} can include any of the standard regex\n\
operators, including:\n\
@table @code\n\
@item .\n\
Match any character\n\
@item * + ? @address@hidden
Repetition operators, representing\n\
@table @code\n\
@item *\n\
Match zero or more times\n\
@item +\n\
Match one or more times\n\
@item ?\n\
Match zero or one times\n\
@item @address@hidden
Match range operator, which is of the form @address@hidden@address@hidden to 
match exactly\n\
@var{n} times, @address@hidden@var{m},@}} to match @var{m} or more times,\n\
@address@hidden@var{m},@address@hidden to match between @var{m} and @var{n} 
@end table\n\
@item address@hidden address@hidden
List operators, where for example @code{[ab]c} matches @code{ac} and 
@item ()\n\
Grouping operator\n\
@item |\n\
Alternation operator. Match one of a choice of regular expressions. The\n\
alternatives must be delimited by the grouoing operator @code{()} above\n\
@item ^ $\n\
Anchoring operator. @code{^} matches the start of the string @var{str} and\n\
@code{$} the end\n\
@end table\n\
In addition the following escaped characters have special meaning. It should\n\
be noted that it is recommended to quote @var{pat} in single quotes rather\n\
than double quotes, to avoid the escape sequences being interpreted by octave\n\
before being passed to @code{regexp}.\n\
@table @code\n\
@item \\b\n\
Match a word boundary\n\
@item \\B\n\
Match within a word\n\
@item \\w\n\
Matches any word character\n\
@item \\W\n\
Matches any non word character\n\
@item \\<\n\
Matches the beginning of a word\n\
@item \\>\n\
Matches the end of a word\n\
@item \\s\n\
Matches any whitespace character\n\
@item \\S\n\
Matches any non whitespace character\n\
@item \\d\n\
Matches any digit\n\
@item \\D\n\
Matches any non-digit\n\
@end table\n\
The outputs of @code{regexp} by default are in the order as given below\n\
@table @asis\n\
@item @var{s}\n\
The start indices of each of the matching substrings\n\
@item @var{e}\n\
The end indices of each matching substring\n\
@item @var{te}\n\
The extents of each of the matched token surrounded by @code{(@dots{})} in\n\
@item @var{m}\n\
A cell array of the text of each match.\n\
@item @var{t}\n\
A cell array of the text of each token matched.\n\
@item @var{nm}\n\
A structure containing the text of each matched named token, with the name\n\
being used as the fieldname. A named token is denoted as\n\
@end table\n\
Particular output arguments or the order of the output arguments can be\n\
selected by additional @var{opts} arguments. These are strings and the\n\
correspondence between the output arguments and the optional argument\n\
@multitable @columnfractions 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2\n\
@item @tab 'start'        @tab @var{s}  @tab\n\
@item @tab 'end'          @tab @var{e}  @tab\n\
@item @tab 'tokenExtents' @tab @var{te} @tab\n\
@item @tab 'match'        @tab @var{m}  @tab\n\
@item @tab 'tokens'       @tab @var{t}  @tab\n\
@item @tab 'names'        @tab @var{nm}  @tab\n\
@end multitable\n\
A further optional argument is 'once', that limits the number of returned\n\
matches to the first match. Additional arguments are\n\
@table @asis\n\
@item matchcase\n\
Make the matching case sensitive.\n\
@item ignorecase\n\
Make the matching case insensitive.\n\
@item stringanchors\n\
Match the anchor characters at the beginning and end of the string.\n\
@item lineanchors\n\
Match the anchor characters at the beginning and end of the line.\n\
@item dotall\n\
The character @code{.} matches the newline character.\n\
@item dotexceptnewline\n\
The character @code{.} matches all but the newline character.\n\
@item freespacing\n\
The pattern can include arbitrary whitespace and comments starting with\n\
@item literalspacing\n\
The pattern is taken literally.\n\
@end table\n\
@end deftypefn")
  return octregexp (args, nargout, "regexp", false);


## seg-fault test

## Check that anchoring of pattern works correctly

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexp(' No Match ', 'f(.*)uck');
%! assert (s,zeros(1,0))
%! assert (e,zeros(1,0))
%! assert (te,cell(1,0))
%! assert (m, cell(1,0))
%! assert (t, cell(1,0))

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexp(' FiRetrUck ', 'f(.*)uck');
%! assert (s,zeros(1,0))
%! assert (e,zeros(1,0))
%! assert (te,cell(1,0))
%! assert (m, cell(1,0))
%! assert (t, cell(1,0))

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexp(' firetruck ', 'f(.*)uck');
%! assert (s,2)
%! assert (e,10)
%! assert (te{1},[3,7])
%! assert (m{1}, 'firetruck')
%! assert (t{1}{1}, 'iretr')

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexp('short test string','\w*r\w*');
%! assert (s,[1,12])
%! assert (e,[5,17])
%! assert (size(te), [1,2])
%! assert (isempty(te{1}))
%! assert (isempty(te{2}))
%! assert (m{1},'short')
%! assert (m{2},'string')
%! assert (size(t), [1,2])
%! assert (isempty(t{1}))
%! assert (isempty(t{2}))

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexp('short test string','\w*r\w*','once');
%! assert (s,1)
%! assert (e,5)
%! assert (size(te), [1,1])
%! assert (isempty(te{1}))
%! assert (m{1},'short')
%! ## Matlab gives [1,0] here but that seems wrong.
%! assert (size(t), [1,1])

%! [m, te, e, s, t] = regexp('short test string','\w*r\w*','once', 'match', 
'tokenExtents', 'end', 'start', 'tokens');
%! assert (s,1)
%! assert (e,5)
%! assert (size(te), [1,1])
%! assert (isempty(te{1}))
%! assert (m{1},'short')
%! ## Matlab gives [1,0] here but that seems wrong.
%! assert (size(t), [1,1])

%! ## This test is expected to fail if PCRE is not installed
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   [s, e, te, m, t, nm] = regexp('short test 
%!   assert (s,1)
%!   assert (e,10)
%!   assert (size(te), [1,1])
%!   assert (te{1}, [1 5; 7, 10])
%!   assert (m{1},'short test')
%!   assert (size(t),[1,1])
%!   assert (t{1}{1},'short')
%!   assert (t{1}{2},'test')
%!   assert (size(nm), [1,1])
%!   assert (!isempty(fieldnames(nm)))
%!   assert (sort(fieldnames(nm)),{'word1';'word2'})
%!   assert (nm.word1,'short')
%!   assert (nm.word2,'test')
%! endif

%! ## This test is expected to fail if PCRE is not installed
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   [nm, m, te, e, s, t] = regexp('short test 
string','(?<word1>\w*t)\s*(?<word2>\w*t)', 'names', 'match', 'tokenExtents', 
'end', 'start', 'tokens');
%!   assert (s,1)
%!   assert (e,10)
%!   assert (size(te), [1,1])
%!   assert (te{1}, [1 5; 7, 10])
%!   assert (m{1},'short test')
%!   assert (size(t),[1,1])
%!   assert (t{1}{1},'short')
%!   assert (t{1}{2},'test')
%!   assert (size(nm), [1,1])
%!   assert (!isempty(fieldnames(nm)))
%!   assert (sort(fieldnames(nm)),{'word1';'word2'})
%!   assert (nm.word1,'short')
%!   assert (nm.word2,'test')
%! endif

%! ## This test is expected to fail if PCRE is not installed
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   [t, nm] = regexp("John Davis\nRogers, 
%!   assert (size(t), [1,2]);
%!   assert (t{1}{1},'John');
%!   assert (t{1}{2},'Davis');
%!   assert (t{2}{1},'Rogers');
%!   assert (t{2}{2},'James');
%!   assert (size(nm), [1,1]);
%!   assert (nm.first{1},'John');
%!   assert (nm.first{2},'James');
%!   assert (nm.last{1},'Davis');
%!   assert (nm.last{2},'Rogers');
%! endif

%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert(regexp("abc\nabc",'(?s).'),[1:7])
%!   assert(regexp("abc\nabc",'.','dotexceptnewline'),[1,2,3,5,6,7])
%!   assert(regexp("abc\nabc",'(?-s).'),[1,2,3,5,6,7])
%! endif

%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert(regexp("caseCaSe",'(?-i)case'),1)
%!   assert(regexp("caseCaSe",'(?i)case'),[1,5])
%! endif

%!assert (regexp("abc\nabc",'c$'),7)
%!assert (regexp("abc\nabc",'c$',"stringanchors"),7)
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert (regexp("abc\nabc",'(?-m)c$'),7)
%!   assert (regexp("abc\nabc",'c$',"lineanchors"),[3,7])
%!   assert (regexp("abc\nabc",'(?m)c$'),[3,7])
%! endif

%!assert (regexp("this word",'s w'),4)
%!assert (regexp("this word",'s w','literalspacing'),4)
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert (regexp("this word",'(?-x)s w','literalspacing'),4)
%!   assert (regexp("this word",'s w','freespacing'),zeros(1,0))
%!   assert (regexp("this word",'(?x)s w'),zeros(1,0))
%! endif

%!error regexp('string', 'tri', 'BadArg');
%!error regexp('string');


DEFUN_DLD(regexpi, args, nargout,
  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
@deftypefn {Loadable Function} address@hidden, @var{e}, @var{te}, @var{m}, 
@var{t}, @var{nm}] =} regexpi (@var{str}, @var{pat})\n\
@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} address@hidden =} regexpi (@var{str}, 
@var{pat}, @var{opts}, @dots{})\n\
Case insensitive regular expression string matching. Matches @var{pat} in\n\
@var{str} and returns the position and matching substrings or empty values\n\
if there are none. See @code{regexp} for more details\n\
@end deftypefn")
  return octregexp (args, nargout, "regexp", true);


## seg-fault test

## Check that anchoring of pattern works correctly

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexpi(' No Match ', 'f(.*)uck');
%! assert (s,zeros(1,0))
%! assert (e,zeros(1,0))
%! assert (te,cell(1,0))
%! assert (m, cell(1,0))
%! assert (t, cell(1,0))

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexpi(' FiRetrUck ', 'f(.*)uck');
%! assert (s,2)
%! assert (e,10)
%! assert (te{1},[3,7])
%! assert (m{1}, 'FiRetrUck')
%! assert (t{1}{1}, 'iRetr')

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexpi(' firetruck ', 'f(.*)uck');
%! assert (s,2)
%! assert (e,10)
%! assert (te{1},[3,7])
%! assert (m{1}, 'firetruck')
%! assert (t{1}{1}, 'iretr')

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexpi('ShoRt Test String','\w*r\w*');
%! assert (s,[1,12])
%! assert (e,[5,17])
%! assert (size(te), [1,2])
%! assert (isempty(te{1}))
%! assert (isempty(te{2}))
%! assert (m{1},'ShoRt')
%! assert (m{2},'String')
%! assert (size(t), [1,2])
%! assert (isempty(t{1}))
%! assert (isempty(t{2}))

%! [s, e, te, m, t] = regexpi('ShoRt Test String','\w*r\w*','once');
%! assert (s,1)
%! assert (e,5)
%! assert (size(te), [1,1])
%! assert (isempty(te{1}))
%! assert (m{1},'ShoRt')
%! ## Matlab gives [1,0] here but that seems wrong.
%! assert (size(t), [1,1])

%! [m, te, e, s, t] = regexpi('ShoRt Test String','\w*r\w*','once', 'match', 
'tokenExtents', 'end', 'start', 'tokens');
%! assert (s,1)
%! assert (e,5)
%! assert (size(te), [1,1])
%! assert (isempty(te{1}))
%! assert (m{1},'ShoRt')
%! ## Matlab gives [1,0] here but that seems wrong.
%! assert (size(t), [1,1])

%! ## This test is expected to fail if PCRE is not installed
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   [s, e, te, m, t, nm] = regexpi('ShoRt Test 
%!   assert (s,1)
%!   assert (e,10)
%!   assert (size(te), [1,1])
%!   assert (te{1}, [1 5; 7, 10])
%!   assert (m{1},'ShoRt Test')
%!   assert (size(t),[1,1])
%!   assert (t{1}{1},'ShoRt')
%!   assert (t{1}{2},'Test')
%!   assert (size(nm), [1,1])
%!   assert (!isempty(fieldnames(nm)))
%!   assert (sort(fieldnames(nm)),{'word1';'word2'})
%!   assert (nm.word1,'ShoRt')
%!   assert (nm.word2,'Test')
%! endif

%! ## This test is expected to fail if PCRE is not installed
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   [nm, m, te, e, s, t] = regexpi('ShoRt Test 
String','(?<word1>\w*t)\s*(?<word2>\w*t)', 'names', 'match', 'tokenExtents', 
'end', 'start', 'tokens');
%!   assert (s,1)
%!   assert (e,10)
%!   assert (size(te), [1,1])
%!   assert (te{1}, [1 5; 7, 10])
%!   assert (m{1},'ShoRt Test')
%!   assert (size(t),[1,1])
%!   assert (t{1}{1},'ShoRt')
%!   assert (t{1}{2},'Test')
%!   assert (size(nm), [1,1])
%!   assert (!isempty(fieldnames(nm)))
%!   assert (sort(fieldnames(nm)),{'word1';'word2'})
%!   assert (nm.word1,'ShoRt')
%!   assert (nm.word2,'Test')
%! endif

%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert(regexpi("abc\nabc",'(?s).'),[1:7])
%!   assert(regexpi("abc\nabc",'.','dotexceptnewline'),[1,2,3,5,6,7])
%!   assert(regexpi("abc\nabc",'(?-s).'),[1,2,3,5,6,7])
%! endif

%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert(regexpi("caseCaSe",'(?-i)case'),1)
%!   assert(regexpi("caseCaSe",'(?i)case'),[1,5])
%! endif

%!assert (regexpi("abc\nabc",'c$'),7)
%!assert (regexpi("abc\nabc",'c$',"stringanchors"),7)
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert (regexpi("abc\nabc",'(?-m)c$'),7)
%!   assert (regexpi("abc\nabc",'c$',"lineanchors"),[3,7])
%!   assert (regexpi("abc\nabc",'(?m)c$'),[3,7])
%! endif

%!assert (regexpi("this word",'s w'),4)
%!assert (regexpi("this word",'s w','literalspacing'),4)
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   assert (regexpi("this word",'(?-x)s w','literalspacing'),4)
%!   assert (regexpi("this word",'s w','freespacing'),zeros(1,0))
%!   assert (regexpi("this word",'(?x)s w'),zeros(1,0))
%! endif

%!error regexpi('string', 'tri', 'BadArg');
%!error regexpi('string');


DEFUN_DLD(regexprep, args, ,
  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
@deftypefn {Function File}  @var{string} = regexprep(@var{string}, @var{pat}, 
@var{repstr}, @var{options})\n\
Replace matches of @var{pat} in  @var{string} with @var{repstr}.\n\
The replacement can contain @code{$i}, which subsubstitutes\n\
for the ith set of parentheses in the match string.  E.g.,\n\
   regexprep(\"Bill Dunn\",'(\\w+) (\\w+)','$2, $1')\n\
@end example\n\
returns \"Dunn, Bill\"\n\
@var{options} may be zero or more of\n\
@table @samp\n\
@item once\n\
Replace only the first occurance of @var{pat} in the result.\n\
@item warnings\n\
This option is present for compatibility but is ignored.\n\
@item ignorecase or matchcase\n\
Ignore case for the pattern matching (see @code{regexpi}).\n\
Alternatively, use (?i) or (?-i) in the pattern.\n\
@item lineanchors and stringanchors\n\
Whether characters ^ and $ match the beginning and ending of lines.\n\
Alternatively, use (?m) or (?-m) in the pattern.\n\
@item dotexceptnewline and dotall\n\
Whether . matches newlines in the string.\n\
Alternatively, use (?s) or (?-s) in the pattern.\n\
@item freespacing or literalspacing\n\
Whether whitespace and # comments can be used to make the regular expression 
more readable.\n\
Alternatively, use (?x) or (?-x) in the pattern.\n\
@end table\n\
@end deftypefn")
  octave_value_list retval;

  int nargin = args.length();

  if (nargin < 3)
      return retval;

  // Make sure we have string,pattern,replacement
  const std::string buffer = args(0).string_value ();
  if (error_state) return retval;
  const std::string pattern = args(1).string_value ();
  if (error_state) return retval;
  const std::string replacement = args(2).string_value ();
  if (error_state) return retval;
  // Pack options excluding 'tokenize' and various output
  // reordering strings into regexp arg list
  octave_value_list regexpargs(nargin-1,octave_value());
  regexpargs(0) = args(0);
  regexpargs(1) = args(1);
  int len=2;
  for (int i = 3; i < nargin; i++) 
      const std::string opt = args(i).string_value();
      if (opt != "tokenize" && opt != "start" && opt != "end"
          && opt != "tokenextents" && opt != "match" && opt != "tokens"
          && opt != "names"  && opt != "warnings") 
          regexpargs(len++) = args(i);
  //std::cout << "Buffer " << buffer << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "Pattern " << pattern << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "Replacement " << replacement << std::endl;

  // Identify replacement tokens; build a vector of group numbers in
  // the replacement string so that we can quickly calculate the size 
  // of the replacement.
  int tokens = 0;
  for (size_t i=1; i < replacement.size(); i++) 
      if (replacement[i-1]=='$' && isdigit(replacement[i])) 
          tokens++, i++;
  std::vector<int> token(tokens);
  int kk = 0;
  for (size_t i = 1; i < replacement.size(); i++) 
      if (replacement[i-1]=='$' && isdigit(replacement[i])) 
          token[kk++] = replacement[i]-'0';

  // Perform replacement
  std::string rep;
  if (tokens > 0) 
      regexp_elem *lst;
      string_vector named;
      int nopts;
      int sz = octregexp_list (regexpargs, "regexprep", false, &lst, named, 

      if (error_state)
        return retval;
      if (sz == 0)
          retval(0) = args(0);
          return retval;

      // Determine replacement length
      const size_t replen = replacement.size() - 2*tokens;
      int delta = 0;
      regexp_elem *p = lst;
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) 

          const Matrix pairs(p->te);
          size_t pairlen = 0;
          for (int j = 0; j < tokens; j++) 
              if (token[j] == 0) 
                pairlen += static_cast<size_t>(p->e - p->s) + 1;
              else if (token[j] <= pairs.rows()) 
                pairlen += static_cast<size_t>(pairs(token[j]-1,1) - 
                                               pairs(token[j]-1,0)) + 1;
          delta += static_cast<int>(replen + pairlen) - 
            static_cast<int>(p->e - p->s + 1);
          p = p->next;;
      // std::cout << "replacement delta is " << delta << std::endl;
      // Build replacement string
      size_t from = 0;
      p = lst;
      for (int i=0; i < sz; i++) 

          const Matrix pairs(p->te);
          rep.append(&buffer[from], static_cast<size_t>(p->s - 1) - from);
          from = static_cast<size_t>(p->e - 1) + 1;
          for (size_t j = 1; j < replacement.size(); j++) 
              if (replacement[j-1]=='$' && isdigit(replacement[j])) 
                  int k = replacement[j]-'0';
                  if (k == 0) 
                      // replace with entire match
                      rep.append(&buffer[static_cast<size_t>(p->e - 1)],
                                 static_cast<size_t>(p->e - p->s) + 1);
                  else if (k <= pairs.rows()) 
                      // replace with group capture
                      // std::cout << "k=" << k << " [" << pairs(k-1,0) << "," 
<< pairs(k-1,1) << "]" << std::endl;
                                 static_cast<size_t>(pairs(k-1,1) - 
                      // replace with nothing
                  if (j == replacement.size()-1) 
          p = p->next;;
          // std::cout << "->" << rep << std::endl;
      regexp_elem *lst;
      string_vector named;
      int nopts;
      int sz = octregexp_list (regexpargs, "regexprep", false, &lst, named, 

      if (error_state)
        return retval;
      if (sz == 0)
          retval(0) = args(0);
          return retval;

      // Determine replacement length
      const size_t replen = replacement.size();
      int delta = 0;
      regexp_elem *p = lst;
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) 
          delta += static_cast<int>(replen) - 
            static_cast<int>(p->e - p->s + 1);
          p = p->next;;

      // std::cout << "replacement delta is " << delta << std::endl;
      // Build replacement string
      size_t from = 0;
      p = lst;
      for (int i=0; i < sz; i++) 
          rep.append(&buffer[from], static_cast<size_t>(p->s - 1) - from);
          from = static_cast<size_t>(p->e - 1) + 1;
          p = p->next;;
          // std::cout << "->" << rep << std::endl;
  retval(0) = rep;
  return retval;

%!test  # Replace with empty
%! xml = '<!-- This is some XML --> <tag v="hello">some stuff<!-- sample 
%! t = regexprep(xml,'<[!?][^>]*>','');
%! assert(t,' <tag v="hello">some stuff</tag>')

%!test  # Replace with non-empty
%! xml = '<!-- This is some XML --> <tag v="hello">some stuff<!-- sample 
%! t = regexprep(xml,'<[!?][^>]*>','?');
%! assert(t,'? <tag v="hello">some stuff?</tag>')

%!test  # Check that 'tokenize' is ignored
%! xml = '<!-- This is some XML --> <tag v="hello">some stuff<!-- sample 
%! t = regexprep(xml,'<[!?][^>]*>','','tokenize');
%! assert(t,' <tag v="hello">some stuff</tag>')

%!test  # Capture replacement
%! if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_PCRE")))
%!   data = "Bob Smith\nDavid Hollerith\nSam Jenkins";
%!   result = "Smith, Bob\nHollerith, David\nJenkins, Sam";
%!   t = regexprep(data,'(?m)^(\w+)\s+(\w+)$','$2, $1');
%!   assert(t,result)
%! end

# Return the original if no match

## Test a general replacement
%!assert(regexprep("a[b]c{d}e-f=g", "[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "_"), "a_b_c_d_e_f_g");

## Make sure it works at the beginning and end
%!assert(regexprep("a[b]c{d}e-f=g", "a", "_"), "_[b]c{d}e-f=g");
%!assert(regexprep("a[b]c{d}e-f=g", "g", "_"), "a[b]c{d}e-f=_");

## Options
%!assert(regexprep("a[b]c{d}e-f=g", "[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "_", "once"), 
%!assert(regexprep("a[b]c{d}e-f=g", "[^A-Z0-9_]", "_", "ignorecase"), 

## Option combinations
%!assert(regexprep("a[b]c{d}e-f=g", "[^A-Z0-9_]", "_", "once", "ignorecase"), 


;;; Local Variables: ***
;;; mode: C++ ***
;;; End: ***

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