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Patch to PKG

From: David Bateman
Subject: Patch to PKG
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 02:30:32 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060921)

Here is a patch that fixes a number of issues, including two pointed out
by Michael, and adds a binary package build.. The binary build will
probably be very useful for RPM/DEB building.

There are a couple of issues that I know of, these being

* The binary build might not work correctly for an arbitrary package, as
the developer could choose to add arbitrary files and directories to the
package. It will however work fine for standard packages. This will
probably need more work in the future.
* I changed the way PKG_ADD files are handled.. The part that is
extracted from the m-files no longer goes in the architecture dependent
directory. but the main directory. When creating installing binary
packages, some PKG_ADD commands might be duplicated due to the way this
is done.

Index: scripts/pkg/pkg.m
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/octave/scripts/pkg/pkg.m,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -r1.47 pkg.m
--- scripts/pkg/pkg.m   24 May 2007 10:26:21 -0000      1.47
+++ scripts/pkg/pkg.m   26 May 2007 23:54:04 -0000
@@ -149,6 +149,20 @@
 ## @end example
 ## will remove the autoloading status of the image package.
+## @item build
+## Builds a binary form of a package or packages. The binary file produced
+## will itself be an Octave package that can be installed normally with
+## @code{pkg}. The form of the command to build a binary package is
+## @example
+## pkg build builddir image-1.0.0.tar.gz @dots{}
+## @end example
+## @noindent
+## where @code{buiddir} is the name of a directory where the temporary
+## installation will be produced and the binary packages will be found.
+## The options @code{-verbose} and @code{-nodeps} are respected, while 
+## the other options are ignored.
 ## @end table
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -204,7 +218,7 @@
          prefix = fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME (), "share", "octave", "packages");
       case {"list", "install", "uninstall", "load", "unload", ...
-           "prefix", "local_list", "global_list", "rebuild"}
+           "prefix", "local_list", "global_list", "rebuild", "build"}
        action = varargin{i};
        files{end+1} = varargin{i};
@@ -256,12 +270,13 @@
        disp (prefix);
       elseif (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
        local_packages = prefix;
-      elseif (length (files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar (files{1}))
+      elseif (length (files) == 1 && nargout <= 1 && ischar (files{1}))
        prefix = files{1};
        ## if (!strcmp(prefix(end), filesep))
        ##   prefix(end+1) = filesep;
        ## endif
-       prefix = tilde_expand (prefix);
+       prefix = absolute_pathname (prefix);
+       local_packages = prefix;
        user_prefix = true;
        error ("you must specify a prefix directory, or request an output 
@@ -273,7 +288,7 @@
       elseif (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
        local_packages = local_list;
       elseif (length (files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar (files{1}))
-       local_list = files{1};
+       local_list = absolute_pathname (files{1});
        error ("you must specify a local_list file, or request an output 
@@ -284,14 +299,14 @@
       elseif (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
        local_packages = global_list;
       elseif (length (files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar (files{1}))
-       global_list = files{1};
+       global_list = absolute_pathname (files{1});
        error ("you must specify a global_list file, or request an output 
     case "rebuild"
       if (global_install)
-       global_packages = rebuild (prefix, global_list, files,  auto, verbose);
+       global_packages = rebuild (prefix, global_list, files, auto, verbose);
        save (global_list, "global_packages");
        local_packages = global_packages;
@@ -299,6 +314,12 @@
        save (local_list, "local_packages");
+    case "build"
+      if (length (files) < 2)
+       error ("you must specify at least the build directory and one 
filename\nwhen calling 'pkg build'");
+      endif
+      build (files, deps, auto, verbose);
       error ("you must specify a valid action for 'pkg'. See 'help pkg' for 
@@ -317,7 +338,7 @@
     wd = pwd ();
       cd (prefix);
-      dirlist = glob (cellfun(@(x) [x, '-*'], files, 'UniformOutput', 0))
+      dirlist = glob (cellfun(@(x) strcat(x, '-*'), files, 'UniformOutput', 0))
       cd (wd);
@@ -379,22 +400,46 @@
-function auto = isautoload (desc)
-auto = false;
-if (isfield (desc{1}, "autoload"))
-  a = desc{1}.autoload;
-  if ((isnumeric (a) && a > 0)
-      || (ischar (a) && (strcmpi (a, "true")
-                        || strcmpi (a, "on")
-                        || strcmpi (a, "yes")
-                        || strcmpi (a, "1"))))
-    auto = true;
+function build (files, handle_deps, autoload, verbose)
+  if (length (files) < 1)
+    error ("insufficient number of files");
+  endif
+  builddir = files{1};
+  if (! exist (builddir, "dir"))
+    warning ("creating build directory %s", builddir);
+    [status, msg] = mkdir (builddir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      error ("could not create installation directory: %s", msg);
+    endif
+  builddir = absolute_pathname (builddir);
+  installdir = fullfile (builddir, "install");
+  if (! exist (installdir, "dir"))
+    [status, msg] = mkdir (installdir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      error ("could not create installation directory: %s", msg);
+    endif
+  endif
+  files(1) = [];
+  buildlist = fullfile (builddir, "octave_packages");
+  install (files, handle_deps, autoload, installdir, verbose, 
+          buildlist, "", false);
+  unwind_protect
+    repackage (builddir, buildlist);
+  unwind_protect_cleanup
+    unload_packages ({"all"}, handle_deps, buildlist, "");
+    if (exist (installdir, "dir"))
+      rm_rf (installdir);
+    endif
+    if (exist (buildlist, "file"))
+      unlink (buildlist);
+    endif
+  end_unwind_protect
 function install (files, handle_deps, autoload, prefix, verbose, local_list, 
global_list, global_install)
   # Check that the directory in prefix exist. If it doesn't: create it!
   if (! exist (prefix, "dir"))
     warning ("creating installation directory %s", prefix);
@@ -764,6 +809,86 @@
 ##        A U X I L I A R Y    F U N C T I O N S        ##
+function pth = absolute_pathname (pth)
+  [status, msg, msgid] = fileattrib(pth);
+  pth = msg.Name;
+function repackage (builddir, buildlist)
+  packages = installed_packages (buildlist, buildlist);
+  wd = pwd();
+  for i = 1 : length(packages)
+    pack = packages{i};
+    unwind_protect
+      cd (builddir);
+      mkdir (pack.name);
+      mkdir (fullfile (pack.name, "inst"));
+      copyfile (fullfile (pack.dir, "*"), fullfile (pack.name, "inst"));
+      movefile (fullfile (pack.name, "inst","packinfo", "*"), pack.name);
+      if (exist (fullfile (pack.name, "inst","packinfo", ".autoload"), "file"))
+       unlink (fullfile (pack.name, "inst","packinfo", ".autoload"));
+      endif
+      rmdir (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "packinfo"));
+      if (exist (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "doc"), "dir"))
+       movefile (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "doc"), pack.name);
+      endif
+      if (exist (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "bin"), "dir"))
+       movefile (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "bin"), pack.name);
+      endif
+      archdir = fullfile (pack.name, "inst", getarch ());
+      if (exist (archdir, "dir"))
+       if (exist (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_ADD"), "file"))
+         unlink (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_ADD"));
+       endif
+       if (exist (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_DEL"), "file"))
+         unlink (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_DEL"));
+       endif
+       if (exist (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_ADD"), "file"))
+         movefile (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_ADD"), 
+                   fullfile (pack.name, "PKG_ADD"));
+       endif
+       if (exist (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_DEL"), "file"))
+         movefile (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_DEL"), 
+                   fullfile (pack.name, "PKG_DEL")); 
+       endif
+      else
+       if (exist (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_ADD"), "file"))
+         movefile (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_ADD"), 
+                   fullfile (pack.name, "PKG_ADD"));
+       endif 
+       if (exist (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_DEL"), "file"))
+         movefile (fullfile (pack.name, "inst", "PKG_DEL"), 
+                   fullfile (pack.name, "PKG_DEL")); 
+       endif   
+      endif    
+      tfile = strcat (pack.name, "-", pack.version, ".tar");
+      tar (tfile, pack.name);
+    unwind_protect_cleanup
+      if (exist (pack.name, "dir"))
+       rm_rf (pack.name);
+      endif
+      cd (wd);
+    end_unwind_protect
+  endfor
+function auto = isautoload (desc)
+auto = false;
+if (isfield (desc{1}, "autoload"))
+  a = desc{1}.autoload;
+  if ((isnumeric (a) && a > 0)
+      || (ischar (a) && (strcmpi (a, "true")
+                        || strcmpi (a, "on")
+                        || strcmpi (a, "yes")
+                        || strcmpi (a, "1"))))
+    auto = true;
+  endif
 function prepare_installation (desc, packdir)
   ## Is there a pre_install to call?
   if (exist (fullfile (packdir, "pre_install.m"), "file"))
@@ -803,35 +928,25 @@
                                         " CXX=", octave_config_info ("CXX"),
                                         " AR=", octave_config_info ("AR"),
                                         " RANLIB=", octave_config_info 
-      if (verbose)
-       printf("%s", output);
-      endif
       if (status != 0)
        rm_rf (desc.dir);
        error ("the configure script returned the following error: %s", output);
+      elseif (verbose)
+       printf("%s", output);
     ## make
     if (exist (fullfile (src, "Makefile"), "file"))
       [status, output] = shell (strcat ("export INSTALLDIR=\"", desc.dir,
                                         "\"; make -C ", src));
-      if (verbose)
-       printf("%s", output);
-      endif
       if (status != 0)
        rm_rf (desc.dir);
        error ("'make' returned the following error: %s", output);
+      elseif (verbose)
+       printf("%s", output);
-      %# make install
-      %[status, output] = system(["export INSTALLDIR=" desc.dir "; make 
install -C " src]);
-      %if (verbose)
-      %  printf("%s", output);
-      %endif
-      %if (status != 0)
-      %    rm_rf(desc.dir);
-      %    error("'make install' returned the following error: %s", output);
-      %endif
     ## Copy files to "inst" and "inst/arch" (this is instead of 'make install')
@@ -880,14 +995,16 @@
        archindependent = sprintf (fullfile (src, "%s "), m.name);
       if (length (oct) > 0)
-       filenames = [filenames, " ", sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), oct.name)];
-       archdependent = [archdependent, " ", ...
-                        sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), oct.name)];
+       filenames = strcat (filenames, " ", sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), ...
+                                                   oct.name));
+       archdependent = strcat (archdependent, " ", ...
+                        sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), oct.name));
       if (length (mex) > 0)
-       filenames = [filenames, " ", sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), mex.name)];
-       archdependent = [archdependent, " ", ...
-                        sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), mex.name)];
+       filenames = strcat (filenames, " ", sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), ...
+                                                   mex.name));
+       archdependent = strcat (archdependent, " ", ...
+                        sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "), mex.name));
       filenames = split_by (filenames, " ");
       archdependent = split_by (archdependent, " ");
@@ -951,54 +1068,64 @@
 function create_pkgadddel (desc, packdir, nm)
-  archdir = fullfile (desc.dir, getarch ());
-  ## If it is exists, the PKG_* files should go into the architecture
-  ## dependent directory so that the autoload/mfilename commands work
-  ## as expected...
-  if (exist (archdir, "dir"))
-    pkg = fullfile (desc.dir, getarch(), nm);
+  instpkg = fullfile (desc.dir, nm);
+  instfid = fopen (instpkg, "wt");
+  ## If it is exists, most of the  PKG_* file should go into the 
+  ## architecture dependent directory so that the autoload/mfilename 
+  ## commands work as expected. The only part that doesn't is the
+  ## part in the main directory.
+  if (exist (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch ()), "dir"))
+    archpkg = fullfile (desc.dir, getarch (), nm);
+    archfid = fopen (archpkg, "wt");
-    pkg = fullfile (desc.dir, nm);
+    archpkg = instpkg;
+    archfid = instfid;
-  fid = fopen (pkg, "wt");
-  if (fid >= 0)
+  if (archfid >= 0 && instfid >= 0)
     ## Search all dot-m files for PKG commands
     lst = dir (fullfile(packdir, "inst", "*.m"));
     for i = 1:length (lst)
       nam = fullfile(packdir, "inst", lst(i).name);
-      fwrite (fid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^[#%][#%]* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
+      fwrite (instfid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^[#%][#%]* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
     ## Search all C++ source files for PKG commands
     lst = dir (fullfile(packdir, "src", "*.cc"));
     for i = 1:length (lst)
       nam = fullfile(packdir, "src", lst(i).name);
-      fwrite (fid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^//* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
-      fwrite (fid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^/\** *' nm ': *(.*) *\*/$']));
+      fwrite (archfid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^//* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
+      fwrite (archfid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^/\** *' nm ': *(.*) *\*/$']));
     ## Add developer included PKG commands
     packdirnm = fullfile (packdir, nm);
     if (exist (packdirnm, "file"))
-      fid2 = fopen (packdirnm, "rt");
-      if (fid2 >= 0)
-        while (! feof (fid2))
-          ln = fgets (fid2);
+      fid = fopen (packdirnm, "rt");
+      if (fid >= 0)
+        while (! feof (fid))
+          ln = fgets (fid);
           if (ln > 0)
-            fwrite (fid, ln);
+            fwrite (archfid, ln);
-        fclose (fid2);
+        fclose (fid);
-    fclose (fid);
-    ## If the file is empty remove it
-    t = dir (pkg);
+    ## If the files is empty remove it
+    fclose (instfid);
+    t = dir (instpkg);
     if (t.bytes <= 0)
-      unlink (pkg);
+      unlink (instpkg);
+    endif
+    if (instfid != archfid)
+      fclose (archfid);
+      t = dir (archpkg);
+      if (t.bytes <= 0)
+        unlink (archpkg);
+      endif
@@ -1385,11 +1512,7 @@
     local_packages = {};
-    if (strcmp(local_list, global_list))
-      global_packages = {};
-    else
-      global_packages = load (global_list).global_packages;
-    endif
+    global_packages = load (global_list).global_packages;
     global_packages = {};
@@ -1497,11 +1620,11 @@
   ## load all
+  dirs = {};
   if (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "all"))
     dirs = pdirs;
   ## load auto
   elseif (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "auto"))
-    dirs = {};
     for i = 1:length (installed_packages)
       if (exist (fullfile (pdirs{i}, "packinfo", ".autoload"), "file"))
        dirs{end+1} = pdirs{i};
@@ -1509,7 +1632,6 @@
   ## load package_name1 ...
-    dirs = {};
     for i = 1:length (files)
       idx = strcmp (pnames, files{i});
       if (! any (idx))
@@ -1540,8 +1662,8 @@
   archdirs = {};
   for i = 1:length (dirs)
     tmpdir = fullfile (dirs{i}, arch);
+    archdirs{end + 1} = dirs{i};
     if (exist (tmpdir, "dir"))
-      archdirs{end + 1} = dirs{i};
       archdirs{end + 1} = tmpdir;
@@ -1657,17 +1779,15 @@
 function arch = getarch ()
-  persistent _arch = [octave_config_info("canonical_host_type"), "-", ...
-   octave_config_info("api_version")];
+  persistent _arch = strcat (octave_config_info("canonical_host_type"), ...
+                            "-", octave_config_info("api_version"));
   arch = _arch;
 function [status, output] = shell (cmd)
   persistent have_sh;
   cmd = strrep (cmd, "\\", "/");
-  disp (cmd);
   if (ispc () && ! isunix ())
     if (isempty(have_sh))
       if (system("sh.exe -c \"exit\""))
@@ -1677,13 +1797,11 @@
     if (have_sh)
-      [status, output] = system (["sh.exe -c \"", cmd, "\""]);
+      [status, output] = system (strcat ("sh.exe -c \"", cmd, "\""));
       error ("Can not find the command shell")
     [status, output] = system (cmd);
-  disp(output);
2007-05-27  David Bateman  <address@hidden>

        * pkg.m: Add build option to allow binary Octave packages to be
        built from source packages. Probe absolute path of prefix, global
        and local lists. Use strcat, rather that [] for strings.
        (pkg:build): New function to binary binary package.
        (pkg:absolute_pathname): Use fileattrib to probe absolute path.
        (pkg:repackage): Package binary Octave package from installation.
        (pkg:create_pkgadddel): Extract PKG_ADD and PKG_DEL directives
        from m-files into main installation directory.
        (pkg:shell): Suppress verbose messages from shell and only display
        them with the verbose flag.

2007-05-21  Michael Goffioul  <address@hidden>

        * pkg.m (pkg:load_packages): Correctly load a mix of packages
        with and without architecture dependent directories.
        (pkg:installed_packages): Probe the global_list file even if it is
        the same as the local_list. 

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