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randlib licence

From: Petr Gajdos
Subject: randlib licence
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 13:13:29 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

I maintain package octave and I've been warned of possible licence 
incompatibility of randlib:



Code that appeared  in an    ACM  publication  is subject  to    their
algorithms policy:

     Submittal of  an  algorithm    for publication  in   one of   the  ACM
     Transactions implies that unrestricted use  of the algorithm within  a
     computer is permissible.   General permission  to copy and  distribute
     the algorithm without fee is granted provided that the copies  are not
     made  or   distributed for  direct   commercial  advantage.    The ACM
     copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear,
     and  notice is given that copying  is by permission of the Association
     for Computing Machinery.  To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires
     a fee and/or specific permission.

     Krogh, F.  Algorithms  Policy.  ACM  Tran.   Math.  Softw.   13(1987),

We place the Randlib code that we have written in the public domain.  


I think problematic are these functions linked to octave:
setall  -- setting random SEEDs (included in ACM),
setsd   -- setting random SEEDs (included in ACM),
getsd   -- setting random SEEDs (included in ACM),
dgennor -- normal distribution (???),
dgenunf -- uniform distribution (???).

Could you please tell me whether or not and with which way the ACM licensed 
code is actually linked?


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