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Re: improved surface: __go_draw_axes__

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: improved surface: __go_draw_axes__
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 02:50:07 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060921)

Attached is the patch I needed to get the surf function working with
gnuplot 4.0. I also had to change surfaces to flagging nd = 3 with the
presence of color data to allow the meshc function to work again. The
meshc issue would also have affect gnuplot 4.2

Index: scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/octave/scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -u -r1.56 __go_draw_axes__.m
--- scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m     6 Nov 2007 22:36:22 -0000       1.56
+++ scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m     7 Nov 2007 01:44:30 -0000
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
            is_image_data(data_idx) = true;
            parametric(data_idx) = false;
+           have_cdata(data_idx) = false;
            [y_dim, x_dim] = size (img_data(:,:,1));
            if (x_dim > 1)
@@ -300,6 +301,7 @@
          is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
          parametric(data_idx) = true;
+         have_cdata(data_idx) = false;
          if (isempty (obj.keylabel))
            titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
@@ -320,6 +322,7 @@
            xdat = obj.xdata(:);
            ydat = obj.ydata(:);
            zdat = obj.zdata(:);
            if (xautoscale)
              [xmin, xmax, xminp] = get_data_limits (xmin, xmax, xminp, xdat);
@@ -446,6 +449,7 @@
             is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
             parametric(data_idx) = false;
+            have_cdata(data_idx) = false;
              titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
             usingclause{data_idx} = "";
              if (isfield (obj, "facecolor") && isfield (obj, "cdata"))
@@ -520,6 +524,7 @@
            is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
            parametric(data_idx) = false;
+          have_cdata(data_idx) = false;
            titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
           usingclause{data_idx} = "";
            if (isfield (obj, "edgecolor"))
@@ -573,12 +578,13 @@
        case "surface"
-         nd = 4;
+         nd = 3;
           if (! (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4)
                 && strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)))
            is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
            parametric(data_idx) = false;
+           have_cdata(data_idx) = true;
            [style, typ, with] = do_linestyle_command (obj, data_idx, 
            if (isempty (obj.keylabel))
              titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
@@ -664,49 +670,75 @@
            fputs (plot_stream, "unset contour;\n");
            fprintf (plot_stream, "set cbrange [%g:%g];\n", cmin, cmax);
-           if (have_newer_gnuplot)
-             ## Interpolation does not work for flat surfaces (e.g. pcolor)
-              ## and color mapping --> currently set empty.
-              interp_str = "";
-              surf_colormap = parent_figure_obj.colormap;
-              flat_interp_face = (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4)
-                                 || strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6));
-              flat_interp_edge = (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4)
-                                 || strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "interp", 6));
-              palette_data = [];
-              if (flat_interp_face
-                 || (flat_interp_edge && strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)))
-                palette_data = [1:rows(surf_colormap); surf_colormap'];
-              endif
+           ## Interpolation does not work for flat surfaces (e.g. pcolor)
+            ## and color mapping --> currently set empty.
+            interp_str = "";
+            surf_colormap = parent_figure_obj.colormap;
+            flat_interp_face = (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4)
+                               || strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6));
+            flat_interp_edge = (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4)
+                               || strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "interp", 6));
+            palette_data = [];
+            if (flat_interp_face
+               || (flat_interp_edge && strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)))
+              palette_data = [1:rows(surf_colormap); surf_colormap'];
+            endif
-              if (isnumeric (obj.facecolor))
-                palette_data = [1:2; [obj.facecolor; obj.facecolor]'];
-              endif
+            if (isnumeric (obj.facecolor))
+              palette_data = [1:2; [obj.facecolor; obj.facecolor]'];
+            endif
-              if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)
-                 && isnumeric (obj.edgecolor))
-                palette_data = [1:2; [obj.edgecolor; obj.edgecolor]'];
-              endif
+            if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)
+               && isnumeric (obj.edgecolor))
+              palette_data = [1:2; [obj.edgecolor; obj.edgecolor]'];
+            endif
-              if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4))
-              elseif (flat_interp_face && strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4))
+            if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4))
+            elseif (flat_interp_face && strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4))
+              fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d at s %s;\n", interp_str);
+            else
+              if (strncmp(obj.edgecolor, "none", 4))
                 fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d at s %s;\n", interp_str);
-                if (strncmp(obj.edgecolor, "none", 4))
-                  fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d at s %s;\n", interp_str);
-                else
-                  edgecol = obj.edgecolor;
-                  if (ischar(obj.edgecolor))
-                    edgecol = [0 0 0];
-                  endif
-                  fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d at s hidden3d %d %s;\n", 
data_idx, interp_str);
+                edgecol = obj.edgecolor;
+                if (ischar(obj.edgecolor))
+                  edgecol = [0 0 0];
+                endif
+                fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d at s hidden3d %d %s;\n", 
data_idx, interp_str);
+               if (have_newer_gnuplot)
                   fprintf (plot_stream,
                            "set style line %d linecolor rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\" 
lw %f;\n",
                            data_idx, round (255*edgecol), obj.linewidth);
-                endif
+               else
+                 if (isequal (edgecol, [0,0,0]))
+                   typ = -1;
+                 elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,0,0]))
+                   typ = 1;
+                 elseif (isequal (edgecol, [0,1,0]))
+                   typ = 2;
+                 elseif (isequal (edgecol, [0,0,1]))
+                   typ = 3;
+                 elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,0,1]))
+                   typ = 4;
+                 elseif (isequal (edgecol, [0,1,1]))
+                   typ = 5;
+                 elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,1,1]))
+                   typ = -1;
+                 elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,1,0]))
+                   typ = 7;
+                 else
+                   typ = -1;
+                 endif
+                  fprintf (plot_stream,
+                           "set style line %d lt %d lw %f;\n",
+                           data_idx, typ, obj.linewidth);
+               endif
+            endif
+           if (have_newer_gnuplot)
               if (length(palette_data) > 0)
                 fprintf (plot_stream,
                         "set palette positive color model RGB maxcolors %i;\n",
@@ -817,7 +849,7 @@
     fprintf (plot_stream, "set %srange [%.15e:%.15e] %s;\n",
             yaxisloc, ylim, ydir);
-    if (nd == 3 || nd == 4)
+    if (nd == 3)
       if (zautoscale && have_data)
        zlim = get_axis_limits (zmin, zmax, zminp, zlogscale);
        if (isempty (zlim))
@@ -836,13 +868,13 @@
     if (strcmpi (axis_obj.box, "on"))
-      if (nd == 3 || nd == 4)
+      if (nd == 3)
        fputs (plot_stream, "set border 4095;\n");
        fputs (plot_stream, "set border 431;\n");
-      if (nd == 3 || nd == 4)
+      if (nd == 3)
        fputs (plot_stream, "set border 895;\n");
        fputs (plot_stream, "set border 3;\n");
@@ -947,7 +979,8 @@
        if (is_image_data(i))
          fwrite (plot_stream, data{i}, "float32");
-         __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data{i}, nd, parametric(i));
+         __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data{i}, nd, parametric(i), 
+                                 have_cdata(i));
@@ -1182,7 +1215,7 @@
-function __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data, nd, parametric)
+function __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data, nd, parametric, cdata)
   ## DATA is already transposed.
@@ -1220,21 +1253,17 @@
       fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data);
       nc = columns (data);
-      for j = 1:3:nc
-       fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data(:,j:j+2)');
-       fputs (plot_stream, "\n");
-      endfor
-    endif
-  elseif (nd == 4)
-    ## FIXME -- handle NaNs here too?
-    if (parametric)
-      fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data);
-    else
-      nc = columns (data);
-      for j = 1:4:nc
-       fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data(:,j:j+3)');
-       fputs (plot_stream, "\n");
-      endfor
+      if (cdata)
+       for j = 1:4:nc
+         fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data(:,j:j+3)');
+         fputs (plot_stream, "\n");
+       endfor
+      else
+       for j = 1:3:nc
+         fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data(:,j:j+2)');
+         fputs (plot_stream, "\n");
+       endfor
+      endif
   fputs (plot_stream, "e\n");
Index: scripts/plot/meshc.m
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/octave/scripts/plot/meshc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 meshc.m
--- scripts/plot/meshc.m        12 Oct 2007 21:27:24 -0000      1.3
+++ scripts/plot/meshc.m        7 Nov 2007 01:44:30 -0000
@@ -31,47 +31,14 @@
   newplot ();
-  if (nargin == 1)
-    z = varargin{1};
-    if (ismatrix (z))
-      [nr, nc] = size (z);
-      x = 1:nc;
-      y = (1:nr)';
-    else
-      error ("meshc: argument must be a matrix");
-    endif
-  elseif (nargin == 3)
-    x = varargin{1};
-    y = varargin{2};
-    z = varargin{3};
-    if (isvector (x) && isvector (y) && ismatrix (z))
-      if (rows (z) == length (y) && columns (z) == length (x))
-        x = x(:)';
-        y = y(:);
-      else
-        msg = "meshc: rows (z) must be the same as length (y) and";
-        msg = sprintf ("%s\ncolumns (z) must be the same as length (x)", msg);
-        error (msg);
-      endif
-    elseif (ismatrix (x) && ismatrix (y) && ismatrix (z))
-      if (! (size_equal (x, y) && size_equal (x, z)))
-        error ("meshc: x, y, and z must have same dimensions");
-      endif
-    else
-      error ("meshc: x and y must be vectors and z must be a matrix");
-    endif
-  else
-    print_usage ();
-  endif
+  tmp = surface (varargin{:});
-  ## make a default line object, and make it the current axes for the
-  ## current figure.
-  ca = gca ();
+  ax = get (tmp, "parent");
-  tmp = __go_surface__ (ca, "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z);
+  set (tmp, "facecolor", "none");
+  set (tmp, "edgecolor", "flat");
-  set (ca, "view", [-37.5, 30]);
+  set (ax, "view", [-37.5, 30]);
   hold on;
2007-11-07  David Bateman  <address@hidden>

        * plot/__go_draw_axes__.m: Fix surfaces for gnuplot 4.0 and for
        the meshc.m function.
        * plot/meshc.m: Also use the surface function.


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