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Re: Graphics: Title and label properties

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Re: Graphics: Title and label properties
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 10:51:52 +0200

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Maciek Gajewski
<address@hidden> wrote:
>> Based on that, computing the text extent means parsing the text
>> representation tree with a fontmetrics provider (here we thought
>> naturally about using FreeType library).
> Whoa!
> I don't get it - why such a features _inside_ octave? Isn't it backend stuff?
> thought that octave only provides backend with text position (in plot
> coordinates) and string (be it plain or TeX). Why such a low-level features
> in core graphics code?

For several reasons, but the 3 main ones are:
- we want any backend to produce more or less the same graphics results
- we want to avoid duplicate coding effort in backends and provide
a common framework where possible.
- grouping coding power instead of spreading it (we already have so
few people to do the work...)

You could go for a simple "draw_text" method in the backend, but this
mean that each backend would have to implement its own TeX parser,
potentially producing different results or different support level (the backend
A support this symbol, while the backend B does not). Not having some
font metrics information at octave level makes almost impossible to
implement correct label/title auto-location, as well as other things like
legend positioning or axes margin computation. Again this would have
to be done in the backend, spreading coding effort.

All in all, I think it's wiser to provide a common framework where
possible. Text representation and parsing seems to be a good
candidate. The rendering would still be left to the backend, but at
least the text content is already analyzed and decomposed, which
makes life of the renderer somewhat easier.


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