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Re: [changeset] property value not paired with name in __add_datasource_

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: [changeset] property value not paired with name in __add_datasource__.m
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 15:32:20 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080725)

Ben Abbott wrote:

On Sep 1, 2008, at 6:30 AM, David Bateman wrote:

This is not the correct fix as __add_datasource__ is looking for a prop/val pair with the name ?DataSource. It doesn't however make the assumption that the other arguments that are passed are all property/value pairs, and in some cases they are.

Trying to generate or error with

plot(1:10,1:10,"LineWidth", 3)

the code works correctly. I then tried a rebuild of voroni.eps with the changeset I just sent and the build when find. I'd therefore suggest not making the change to __add_datasource__ you suggest..


octave:1> plot(1:10,1:10,"LineWidth", 3)
error: set: invalid number of arguments
error: called from:
error: /Users/bpabbott/Development/mercurial/octave-3-0-0/scripts/plot/__plt2vv__.m at line 83, column 7 error: /Users/bpabbott/Development/mercurial/octave-3-0-0/scripts/plot/__plt2__.m at line 68, column 14 error: /Users/bpabbott/Development/mercurial/octave-3-0-0/scripts/plot/__plt__.m at line 79, column 10 error: /Users/bpabbott/Development/mercurial/octave-3-0-0/scripts/plot/plot.m at line 189, column 5

The problem appears to remains.

Is this in the 3.1.51+ sources or the 3.0.2+ sources as implied by octave-3-0-0 above? I'm assuming its 3.1.51+

Ok, this is odd. This works find here.

I identified the problem is in __plt2vv__.m

69     hg = hggroup ();
70     retval = hg;
71 properties = __add_datasource__ ("__plt2vv__", hg, {"x", "y", "z"},
72                                      properties{:});
74     h = line (x, y, "keylabel", key, "color", color,
75               "linestyle", options.linestyle,
76               "marker", options.marker, "parent", hg);
78     __add_line_series__ (h, hg);
79     if (! isempty (properties))
80       set (hg, properties{:});
81     endif

Prior to line 71"properties" is set as

[1,1] = LineWidth
[1,2] =  3

Subsequently, "properties is set as

[1,1] = LineWidth

The scripts __add_datasource__ does not preserve the property values.

I'm confused as to how __add_datasource__ is intended to work. Is this behavior correct?

If yours works properly (different, I assume), perhaps our sources are out of sync?

The function __add_datasource__ is suppose to find prop/value pairs in an arbitrary list of arguments that have the property name "?DataSource" in a case insensitive manner. Thus something like

hg = hggroup();
args{1} = "g+";
args{2} = "YDataSource";
args{3} = "sin(x)";
args = __add_datasource__ ("myfunc", hg, {"x","y"}, args{:});

is supposed to add the properties xdatasource and ydatasource to the hggroup passed, set ydatasource to the string "sin(x)" and return the argument list args{1} = "g+";


will confirm this. Note that the above is a realistic case that is supposed to be handled by __add_datasource__ in that the LineStyle is a single argument and not a property/value pair. Now the issue you are seeing is characterized by

clear all
hg = hggroup ();
args {1} = "LineWidth";
args{2} = 3;
args = __add_datasource__ ("myfunc", hg, {"x", "y","z"}, args{:})

This returns

args =

 [1,1] = LineWidth
 [1,2] =  3

for me as it should. Whereas from what you are saying it returns "LineWdith". Can you confirm



David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin +33 6 72 01 06 33 (Mob) 91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) The information contained in this communication has been classified as: [x] General Business Information [ ] Motorola Internal Use Only [ ] Motorola Confidential Proprietary

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