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Re: Text properties and FTGL

From: John Swensen
Subject: Re: Text properties and FTGL
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 22:02:11 -0400

On Oct 29, 2008, at 11:40 AM, John W. Eaton wrote:

On 29-Oct-2008, John Swensen wrote:

| I think that small subset should also have \dot, \ddot, \hat, \tilde,
| and maybe a couple others, since these get used quite frequently.

And someone else will of course want \int and \sum and \begin{array}
and ...  So I think it would be best to simply make it possible to use
all of TeX, interpreted by TeX itself rather than some kluge.

| Would you be averse to having the two options available at compile
| time? That way, for those with systems where LaTeX and libpoppler are | available (whether gtk or QT), we could compile in the support for the
| full interpreter?

That adds maintenance overhead.  I'd say just require TeX for TeX
markup, and if that is not available, then skip the transformation of
the TeX parts.


So I have done a few tests, probably in a very naive way, about rendering LaTeX strings to OpenGL. I think it is going to be prohibitively slow. Using the following code, even a simple equation took about 0.6 seconds. Maybe there is a faster way of doing this. I searched around and couldn't find a way to link against a library for rendering LaTeX code. The pdfcrop step could definitely be made faster, since it is a perl script that in turn calls ghostscript.

I also did the conversion to a bitmap with libpoppler (a version with no dependency on glib and QT) and drew it with OpenGL and it upped the time to about 1.0 seconds.

struct timeval start, stop;

    // Build up a simple LaTeX file
    std::string baseFilename = "tmplatex";
    std::string logFilename = baseFilename+".log";
    std::string latexFilename = baseFilename+".tex";
std::string latexFileString = "\\documentclass{article}\n\ \usepackage{amsmath}\n\\usepackage{amssymb}\n\\usepackage{amsfonts}\n\ \thispagestyle{empty}\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{equation*}\n" + lbl + "\\end{equation*}\\end{document}\n";
    // TODO: write this to a tmp file
    FILE* fd = fopen(latexFilename.c_str(),"w+");

    // Run pdflatex on the file
std::string pdflatexCmd = "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode " + latexFilename + " > " + logFilename;

    // Run pdfcrop on the result
std::string pdfcropCmd = "pdfcrop --clip --hires " + baseFilename + ".pdf >> " + logFilename;

double elapsed = (stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + 1E-6*(stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
    std::cout << "Elapsed: " << elapsed << std::endl;

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