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Re: basic implementation for isosurface, isocolors, isonormals

From: Martin Helm
Subject: Re: basic implementation for isosurface, isocolors, isonormals
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 16:45:49 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.10.3 (Linux/; KDE/4.1.3; x86_64; ; )

> Sorry for the late followup.
> I changed the iso* functions and the helper functions a little bit
> (avoiding assignments of the form [] = [], which can lead to trouble
> otherwise) and tried to adjust the style to be more compliant with what I
> can see in the contribution section of the octave manual. I am pretty sure
> that there are further changes to the style to be done.
> The patches include the changes to plot/Makefile.in and add the new
> functions isosurface, isocolors, isonormals, __interp_cube__ and
> __marching_cube__. Thanks to Thomas Treichl who helps with the
> documentation and examples for the functions.
> I made the patch from scratch not against your patch. I do not know if this
> is ok or not.
> Please tell me how to proceede in the correct way.
> With the new __go_draw_axes__ (gnuplot backend) I first ran into trouble
> because I use gnuplot 4.3 and this has the transparency feature which
> screws up the commands sent to gnuplot.
> With 4.2 it works with some side effects and without coloring
> (FaceVertexCData). It seems to me that something like
> unset hidden3d
> set pm3d
> set pm3d depthorder hidden3d <linestyle> explicit
> is neccessary to avoid some strange visual behavior (the patch is opaque
> but the axes are visible even if they should be hidden by the patch) the
> hidden3d (not the pm3d hidden3d) setting seems to be responsible for that.
> Hope I will find time over the weekend to dive deeper into it and
> understand the details.
> - mh

I forgot the changesets for the empty spaces before the calling parentheses.

Attachment: isofunctions_2.diff.bz2
Description: application/bzip

Attachment: isofunctions_3.diff.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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