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Re: basic implementation for isosurface, isocolors, isonormals

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: basic implementation for isosurface, isocolors, isonormals
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 02:03:57 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20081018)

Martin Helm wrote:
Sorry for the late followup.
I changed the iso* functions and the helper functions a little bit
(avoiding assignments of the form [] = [], which can lead to trouble
otherwise) and tried to adjust the style to be more compliant with what I
can see in the contribution section of the octave manual. I am pretty sure
that there are further changes to the style to be done.
It doesn't look too bad as is..

The patches include the changes to plot/Makefile.in and add the new
functions isosurface, isocolors, isonormals, __interp_cube__ and
__marching_cube__. Thanks to Thomas Treichl who helps with the
documentation and examples for the functions.
I made the patch from scratch not against your patch. I do not know if this
is ok or not.
The examples and help text seem to work fine and are parsed correctly by makeinfo

Please tell me how to proceede in the correct way.
With the new __go_draw_axes__ (gnuplot backend) I first ran into trouble
because I use gnuplot 4.3 and this has the transparency feature which
screws up the commands sent to gnuplot.
With 4.2 it works with some side effects and without coloring
(FaceVertexCData). It seems to me that something like
unset hidden3d
set pm3d
set pm3d depthorder hidden3d <linestyle> explicit
is neccessary to avoid some strange visual behavior (the patch is opaque
but the axes are visible even if they should be hidden by the patch) the
hidden3d (not the pm3d hidden3d) setting seems to be responsible for that.
Hope I will find time over the weekend to dive deeper into it and
understand the details.
I don't think the hiding of the axis is a really major issue though I also see some other artifacts that seem to be due to some weird issue in gnuplot with the depthorder, and I don't see the fix for it at the moment. Also it appears that FaceVertexCdata is not really implemented yet and so these values aren't respected at all. In fact the patch properties have a number of derived properties that should be treated specially, like the differences between the [xyz]data and vertices and faces data.. The derivation of one of these properties from another is currently handled in the patch function itself.. However this doesn't make sense as then if the user uses the "set" function to change one of these properties the others won't be changed appropriately..

The way to fix it is either to treat the issue in the set/get methods of the patch type or to add callbacks in the patch functions.. Callbacks are probably the easiest method as we can stay in the scripting language.. I'll look at this as I'm interested in getting the iso* functions into Octave..


I forgot the changesets for the empty spaces before the calling parentheses.

David Bateman                                address@hidden
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