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Re: desired features for gp backend?

From: Rob Mahurin
Subject: Re: desired features for gp backend?
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 12:07:33 -0400

On Jun 18, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Ben Abbott wrote:
It is not clear to me what aspect of the rendered figure would be changed with preplot / postplot properties or with initialize_plotting_engine / cleanup_plotting_engine.

I suspect pre/post figure commands would have limited use. If such were to be implemented, they would be more useful if they were applied to the axes.

Here's an example I've been thinking about for a while: I'd like enough control over Octave's axes to make Tufte's "dot-dash" and "range-frame" plots. There are currently examples of each at

I can do the dot-dash axes in gnuplot with "set border 0" followed by "set xtics (...data...)" to put major and minor tics in the right place. But in gnuplot, constructing a command from a datafile is something of a major undertaking. In octave it's now a one-liner
        set(gca,"xticks", get(get(gca,"children"),"xdata"))
but that currently puts a label at every point without some clever set (gca,"xticklabel"), and apparently I can't yet specify minor ticks.

If there were a way to talk directly to the backend I could make something kludgy but workable, and incrementally request/contribute changes to the octave graphics handling that would let me get rid of the backend-specific stuff. I was starting to do this when 3.0 came out and it suddenly became harder to talk to gnuplot directly.

It looks like I even sent a patch suggesting an octave syntax for axis ticks without lines, but it wasn't accepted: http://www.nabble.com/axis-manipulations-in-plots-are-unnecessarily- restrictive-td15880016.html


Rob Mahurin
University of Manitoba, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
at:     Oak Ridge National Laboratory   865 207 2594
        Oak Ridge, Tennessee            address@hidden

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