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Re: gnulib and automake

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: gnulib and automake
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:10:35 -0400

On 28-Oct-2009, Judd Storrs wrote:

| I'm seeing the same (Ubuntu 9.10rc). I don't know if it's related to
| the TeX memory error but prior to adding the TEXMFCNF change (but with
| automake-diff applied), I noticed many errors flying by that look like
| this:
|       rm -rf $backupdir; exit $rc
| ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('voronoi', 'eps');"
| ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('triplot', 'eps');"
| ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('griddata', 'eps');"
| ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('convhull', 'eps');"
| Output completed.  Verifying that all points are below 7.4e-15 of
| all facets.  Will make 7381 distance computations.
| multiplot> plot "-" binary format='%float64' record=62 using ($1):($2)
| axes x1y1 title "" with lines linestyle 1 , "-" binary
| format='%float64' record=121 using ($1):($2) axes x1y1 title "" with
| linestyle 2 ;
|                                                                 ^
|            line 0: expecting 'lines', 'points', 'linespoints', 'dots',
| 'impulses',
|       'yerrorbars', 'xerrorbars', 'xyerrorbars', 'steps', 'fsteps',
|       'histeps', 'filledcurves', 'boxes', 'boxerrorbars', 'boxxyerrorbars',
|       'vectors', 'financebars', 'candlesticks', 'errorlines', 'xerrorlines',
|       'yerrorlines', 'xyerrorlines', 'pm3d', 'labels', 'histograms',
|        'image', 'rgbimage'
| multiplot> f

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