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Re: Performance issues on Windows, suggests a MSVC build

From: Jacob Dawid
Subject: Re: Performance issues on Windows, suggests a MSVC build
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 20:05:02 +0200

The point is that for a Windows-build you will need some good developers volunteering to set up a build environment. Good developers will always prefer using Linux as a development platform when developing in their free time. If someone really is in need of a Windows-build he will probably pay some developers to do that or do it himself, since developing under Windows can be painful and frustrating (at least it's nothing I'd like to do for free). Noone here hates Windows or MacOS users. But you have to accept that these are "proprietary consumer OS" in contrast to GNU/Linux-derivates, which I would settle in the free-minded, scientific area. As free-minded scientists, I think Octave-developers will not artificially impede your efforts to develop a version for Windows. But understand that on the other side Octave-developers will probably not accept to bother with obstacles (sometimes of artificial nature through licensing restrictions or similar) that are caused by proprietary software.

The code is GPL, so you're free to take and modify it, but you have to put your results under GPL again, too. 
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Step 1. Build it.
Step 2. Pray.

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