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Re: [OctDev] imfilter works in the opposite way it's supposed to do

From: Sunghyun Cho
Subject: Re: [OctDev] imfilter works in the opposite way it's supposed to do
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 23:56:54 -0700

2012/4/16 Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
2012/4/16 Carnë Draug <address@hidden>:
> On 16 April 2012 02:04, Sunghyun Cho <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply, Carnë.
>> I tracked down the source of the bug, and found that conv2 works
>> incorrectly, when the shape parameter is 'valid'.
>> imfilter uses filter2, and filter2 calls conv2, which causes the problem.
>> It looks like there is already a bug report about this.
> OK. Just for sake of completeness, I'll add that the bug report in
> question is #34893 and is marked to be fixed for the 3.8 releases
> https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=34893

There is still no fix for that bug. I tried to attack it, but it looks
like the bug is in the Fortran code, and I'm having trouble
understanding that code. If you care to help, it looks like the bug is
somewhere here in the *conv2.f functions:


- Jordi G. H.

I think I figured out how to fix it.

The inner convolution routines have some bug.
Following is a part of dconv2.f

65 integer ma,na,mb,nb
66 double precision a(ma,na),b(mb,nb)
67 double precision c(ma-mb+1,na-nb+1)
68 integer i,j,k
69 external daxpy
70 do k = 1,na-nb+1
71 do j = 1,nb
72 do i = 1,mb
73 call daxpy(ma-mb+1,b(i,j),a(mb+1-i,k+j-1),1,c(1,k),1)
74 end do
75 end do
76 end do
77 end subroutine

Line 73 has a bug.
The column indices of a and b moves in the same direction in the current implementation.
It should be reversed. It might be fixed like below:

call daxpy(ma-mb+1,b(i,j),a(mb+1-i,k+nb-j),1,c(1,k),1)

I hope someone to be able to double-check this.


Sunghyun Cho

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