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Re: Classdef embryonic support

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Classdef embryonic support
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 11:34:11 -0500

On Jan 6, 2013, at 10:35 PM, Michael Goffioul wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 8:09 PM, Michael Goffioul <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a heads up to let people know I've spent some time during my christmas 
> holiday to start working again on the classdef branch. I've just pushed some 
> changes to implement initial support for handle-class and value-class 
> semantic. Don't expect too much out of it, but maybe some of you are 
> interested in giving it a try. For instance, I'd be more than happy if 
> someone would write unit tests for the classdef support.
> Did anybody have a chance to give it a try? Although far from finished, it's 
> already somehow usable (you can define classes, methods, properties, use 
> inheritance and make superclass calls; it also supports handle and value 
> semantics).
> Michael.

The classef branch now builds on MacOS X! :-)

I'm new to classdef, so I borrowed an example from the Mathworks site, made 
some modifications, and added some tests (see the attached payment.m)

However, I'm not sure how to go about adding tests to the sources.  Perhaps 
syntax like below be added to the test feature?

%!classdef payment
%!   properties
%!     rate;
%!     term;
%!     principle;
%!   end
%!   methods
%!     function obj = payment (r, t, p)
%!       obj.rate = r;
%!       obj.term = t;
%!       obj.principle = p;
%!     end
%!     function amt = amount (obj)
%!       i = obj.rate / (12 * 100);
%!       amt = (obj.principle * i) / (1 - (1 + i)^(-obj.term));
%!     end
%!   end

For now, tests can be added to a classdef m-file, but I don't see how that 
would be committed.

In any event, the current implementation allows methods to be called as 
obj.method(arg1,arg2, ...), but not as method (obj, arg1, arg2, ...).

Also Matlab has three universal (?) methods, "properties", "methods", "events".

        properties(obj): Returns a column oriented cellstring array of the 
public properties for the object.
        methods(obj): Returns a column oriented cellstring array of the public 
methods for the object.
        events(obj): Returns a column oriented cellstring array of the public 
events for the object.

For example ...

        methods ('char')

Methods for class char:

abs                evalc              isnan              mrdivide           
real               sum                
all                evalin             issorted           mtimes             
regexp             superiorfloat      
and                exist              javaArray          ne                 
regexpi            times              
anonymousFunction  fftw               java_array         newdepfun          
regexprep          transpose          
any                find               ldivide            nnz                
regexptranslate    tril               
bsxfun             fix                le                 nonzeros           rem 
ceil               floor              linsolve           not                
reshape            uminus             
colon              full               lt                 nzmax              
round              unicode2native     
conj               ge                 max                or                 
sign               uplus              
ctranspose         gt                 min                permute            
sort               xlate              
diag               hregister          minus              plus               
sortrowsc          xor                
display            imag               mldivide           power              
eq                 isfinite           mod                prod               
eval               isinf              mpower             rdivide            

There is no core function for properties() or events() for Octave, but there is 
a methods.m function. 

methods ('char')
error: [java] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: char
error: called from:
 at line 45, column 16

I don't know if there are any serious compatibility concerns, but I thought  
I'd mention what I found while tinkering with classdef.


Attachment: payment.m
Description: Binary data

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