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problem with fem-fenics

From: Marco Vassallo
Subject: problem with fem-fenics
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:17:39 +0200

Hi all,

for the fem-fenics pkg, I have to solve some issues but I can't exactly figure out how we can do it.

The pkg is supposed to solve a Problem which is defined by the user.

The user defines the problem in a file myproblem.ufl.

Then our pkg should compile it: at the moment, I'm doing it with a script file which
calls the compiler [1] :

    command = "ffc -l dolfin myproblem.ufl"
    [output, text] = system (command);
This script generates a .h file, myproblem.h, which contains the definition of some classes
which I should use in my DLD function.

Then, what I need is to include the header in a function, compile it with mkoctfile and to execute it.

A sketch of what I'm doing right now is available here [2], but I don't know if it could work properly inside a pkg.

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/octave/fem-fenics/ci/default/tree/inst/fem_ffc.m
[2] https://sourceforge.net/p/octave/fem-fenics/ci/default/tree/example/fem_func_space.m

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