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Re: Interested in TISEAN package for GSoC

From: Piotr Held
Subject: Re: Interested in TISEAN package for GSoC
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 20:19:46 -0600


Thanks for the tips. I think I now have an idea how to complete this project. 

I am aware that the deadline is tomorrow. That is why I submitted a proposal on melange, that does not really have a timeline (as I did not fully understand how to tackle the problem). My wiki page is better in that matter. Should I submit another application on melange that is better, or is it enough that my wiki page is complete?

Do you know of any other libraries that link fortran to oct files? I would appreciate the extra examples, if I could get a hold of some.

Also could you give me any tips concerning my wiki page? Should some topic be discussed more thoroughly?


2015-03-26 6:12 GMT-06:00 Juan Pablo Carbajal <address@hidden>:
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Juan Pablo Carbajal
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Please keep the mailing list always in copy.
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 2:15 AM, Piotr Held <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I implemented the 'henon' function like you suggested, that is as a m-file.
>> What should I do with it? Should I send it to you? Should I upload it
>> somewhere?
> You can create a repository in Bitbucket (using mercurial).
>> The way TISEAN was interfaced with Octave in that tutorial is really just
>> calling the library from the system and reading the output. Is that how this
>> project is suppose to be implemented?
> Absolutely not!
> Either link to the existing FORTRAN code and/or re-implement in C++.
> If not, where can I read about other
>> ways of connecting separate libraries to Octave. Would looking at how the
>> control package was incorporated into Octave help in understanding what
>> options there are out there?
> Yes, looking at the control package will definitely help.
> You can look at the Octave manual
> https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Oct_002dFiles.html
>> Should I try to create a list of which functions I would like to incorporate
>> and in what order? And should I post that list on my octave wiki?
> You will have to write an application to be selected for SoC, add this
> list and a description of your plan to that application
> Check the intro of this page
> http://wiki.octave.org/Summer_of_Code_Project_Ideas
>> :)
>> 2015-03-25 7:09 GMT-06:00 Juan Pablo Carbajal <address@hidden>:
>>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:33 PM, Piotr Held <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am interested in doing this project for GSoC. I have some experience in
>>>> programming in C++ but have never done anything with Fortran. I thought this
>>>> would be interesting to contribute because I can learn about how to make a
>>>> package for Octave.
>>>> So far I have compiled Octave from the sources successfully and have been
>>>> playing around with it a bit.
>>>> I was wondering what should be my next step?
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for your interest.
>>> The next step would be to download TISEAN
>>> http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/archive_3.0.0.html
>>> Compile it and get acquainted with the tutorials and functions interfaces
>>> http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/Tisean_3.0.0/
>>> This step is requiered before you make any implementation decision.
>>> You could also understand how TISEAN was interfaced with Octave/Matlab in
>>> the past to decide which functions you want to port first.
>>> http://www.agnld.uni-potsdam.de/~marwan/matlab-tutorials/html/tisean.html
>>> Note that there are many functions in the package (e.g. dynamical
>>> functions like henon, etc...) that do not need to be ported to C++ since
>>> they can be easily implemented in octave. That is this functions can be come
>>> .m files, so maybe you want to start there once you are acquainted with the
>>> package.
>>> Cheers
> Good luck!

Piotr I am copy information form the other discussion regarding GSoC.

The application deadline is tomorrow.  We then have until 13 of April to rank
and select students.
As far as I am aware, no one else is applying for this project.  But
please, do not think that there's a slot for every project, or that we
will select a student just because there's no one else.

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