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lastwarn vs. lasterr

From: rik
Subject: lastwarn vs. lasterr
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 09:05:06 -0700


I started to pull on a small bug in fail.m and dislodged something more
major.  The message that is stored by calling warning () includes the
prefix "warning: " while the message stored by calling error () does not
include the prefix "error :".

--- Sample Code ---
octave:58> warning ("foobar")
warning: foobar
octave:59> lastwarn
ans = warning: foobar

octave:60> error ("foobar")
error: foobar
octave:60> lasterr
ans = foobar
--- End Code ---

Is there any reason why these should be different?  What does Matlab do?

My preference would be to change it so that warning does not include the
prefix.  This is a relatively easy change in error.cc.


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