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[Opalesoya-dev] 27 september 2001

From: Michele Marcon
Subject: [Opalesoya-dev] 27 september 2001
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 22:58:50 +0200

today is a great day for me. As some of you already knows, today I made my
last exam, and I am now "dottore in Informatica", in italian (I don't know
an international equivalent, but this is a 5 year course), and I want to
share some of my happyness.

I've presented my work. I've made some slides with macromedia flash, while
most of my collegues used PowerPoint (urgh). I talked for about 15 min, then
my profs asked me 3 questions and I was able to respond properly (Does your
work do this? Why do you say this and that? and so on...).

When everything finished, I was almost floating on the air... I got 99/110,
which means "a pieni voti".

I'll take some other day to sleep and rejoice, then I'll be back working
with Arkanae ;)


Doctor Marcon Michele

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