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[Pan-users] Make sure "current item" is "always visible".

From: Bruce Bowler
Subject: [Pan-users] Make sure "current item" is "always visible".
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 00:18:15 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: pan 0.121 (Dortmunder)

0.121 is great.  Love it.  But...

(this has probably existed for a while, but as I use pan more I find more ;-)

I'm using "pan layout 1" (so far windows only, haven't upgrade the linux
box yet).   I hope the following explaination makes sense.

Select a group.  Use the space key to read all the articles in that group.
Eventually, you'll run out of articles in that group and "automagically"
move to the next group.  As the current group changes from one to the
next, the highlight bar moves from group to group.  When the "next group"
happens to be below the bottom of the visible list, I can't tell if it's
highlighted because it remains "off screen".  It would be nice if the
group list were scrolled appropriately.

I'm not sure it always does it right with the headers window either, but I
think it does do it right (at least most of the time :-)

I'm going to wait to file a bugzilla report until I confirm behaviour on
linux as well.


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