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Re: [Pan-users] .121 save dialog

From: Per Hedeland
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] .121 save dialog
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 23:20:19 +0100 (CET)

"Brian King" <address@hidden> wrote:
>.121: press shift-s.  the "Location" text entry field is highlighted (even
>if the "Group's Path" radio button is selected).  it's necessary to press
>shift-tab once to cycle backword through the tab order so that the "Save"
>button is highlighted, and then press enter (or to use the mouse to press
>the "Save" button).

Hm, I'm not seeing quite that, but rather:

a) If the dialog comes up with the "Location" radio button pre-selected,
the "Location:" text itself is highlighted (well, a dashed frame around
it), and just hitting Enter works for saving. Fine by me, at least no
worse than earlier new-pan.

b) If the dialog comes up with the "Group's path" radio button
pre-selected, *nothing* is highlighted, and Enter doesn't do anything -
tab'ing to the Save button allows Enter to save. This seems broken to

c) Selecting either radio button (including the already-selected
"Group's path" in case b)) makes the corresponding "fixed" text
highlighted, and Enter works for saving. (But I sure don't want to have
to click anything there.:-)

Since I've somehow ended up with my preferred save location set in
"Location" rather than in "Group's path" for all groups, I always get
the a) behaviour, so I don't have any personal "complaints" with the
change, but it does seem at least partially broken. I guess the exact
behaviour may depend on things like gtk version and window

>i didn't file a bug report, because it's not necessarily a bug.  but the
>.120 way seemed better to me.  is there any reason not to have "Save" as the
>default selected element in the "Save Articles" dialog?  i use this dialog
>quite a bit, and just press the save button 99.7% of the time, so this extra
>shift-tab seems a little cumbersome to me.
>implementing the feature request of bug 350527 (bring back "Save") would be
>even better, imho.

Agreed on both counts.

--Per Hedeland

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