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[Pan-users] Re: Automatic selection of the posting profile

From: Benjamin Esham
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Automatic selection of the posting profile
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 15:28:12 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.131 (Ghosts: First Variation)

Lionel B wrote:

> Benjamin Esham wrote:
> > I have to use a separate posting profile for each server, as the groups
> > that are carried by my ISP aren't carried by Gmane, and vice versa.  I
> > have to select the correct posting profile with each message I send, or
> > posting will fail.
> You can choose a posting profile on a per-group basis via the "Edit
> Selected Group's Preferences" dialogue from the Groups menu.

(Sorry for the late reply...)

I didn't know about this option... setting it for each group solves my
problem completely!  It seems that other posters have more complicated
requirements, but this works great for my needs.  Thanks a lot for the tip,

Benjamin D. Esham
address@hidden  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
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