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Re: [Paperclips-discuss] HEAD, was: API_23_ALPHA_2_1

From: Christopher K. St. John
Subject: Re: [Paperclips-discuss] HEAD, was: API_23_ALPHA_2_1
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 20:50:49 -0500

Nic Ferrier wrote:
>      public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse 
> response)
>      {
>      ...
>      target.connect();
>      if(!target.getContentType().equals("text/directorylisting"))
>      ...
> Yes, it's worth cleaning up. 


   changes to:

 if (!("text/directorylisting".equals(target.getContentType())))

 same change for:

 protected long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest request)

 I'm told the "blahblah".equals(var) style is more
politically correct than var.equals("blahblah") because
of the null thing, but personally I don't like the
way it looks :-) In this case, though, it's probably
the right thing to do.

> The problem is really with the getContentType method because it
> should handle mime type mapping better. 

 Well, there will always be some files that there really
isn't a mime-type mapping for, and if the call returned
a default then you'd have no way to tell the difference
between "defaulted" and "unknown".

> I'm not really sure how to do
> this though... the API specs the registration of mime types in a DD
> but might it be a good idea for Paperclips to read a mime.types file
> in some default places if the DD doesn't register any mime types?

 Hmm, I've never messed with the DD mime type mappings,
but it looks like WWW servlet should be doing:


 in order to access the mime types mappings in the DD? I'm
assuming that DD mappings wouldn't affect URL.getContentType()?

 Random thoughts:

 - WWW should use ServletContext.getMimeType()
 - WWW has a built-in DD (distributed as a war?)
 - The built-in DD has the appropriate mime-type
   entries, instead of using a separate mime.types
 - Should be a set of default built-in mime types
   for those times when the WWW DD gets trashed
   or is unavailable.
 - Don't use URL.getContentType(), since URL is
   a random nasty unpredictable class.
 - WWW must handle the case where the mime type
   is really unknown, default it to something
   reasonable. Probably text/plain.

 Random question:

 - Any reason WWW doesn't return clickable links
   in directory indexes?

Christopher St. John address@hidden

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