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Re: [Paperclips-discuss] SocketServer issues

From: Christopher K. St. John
Subject: Re: [Paperclips-discuss] SocketServer issues
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 08:50:30 -0500

Nic Ferrier wrote:
> So where do we get mimetypes from when we're serving
> non-webapps?

 Hmmm. Ok, I see what you mean, but what I meant was that
the file server WWW itself is a servlet, so that additional
mime-types could be set in WWW's DD. Well, it doesn't have
a DD now, but it could.

 That admittedly doesn't address the issue for where to
get the basic set of mappings for non-WWW webapps, but
it's not like webapps could ever assume that any mappings
were available. URLConnection.getContentType() can
legally return null for just about everything, and 
ServletContext.getMimeType() is under user control

 It might be ok to fix WWW, and let the rest fend
for themselves.

> > Tsk tsk, response first-line in one packet, headers
> > and body in another.
> Not Paperclips fault, it just sends through the socket's stream.

 I should have put a smiley. Given that 1.4 will eventually
make the fix trivial, it's probably not worth going through
the trouble it would take to fix it on <1.4.

> I've just recompiled socketserver and Paperclips and had
> no problem.

 Yeah, 'cause you just checked in a fix :-P

Christopher St. John address@hidden

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