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[pdf-devel] Offer a pair of helping hands

From: Johannes Tax
Subject: [pdf-devel] Offer a pair of helping hands
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 13:55:35 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.19 (2009-01-05)


as I want to give back to the free software community a small fraction
of what it is giving to me and as I want to learn something new I am 
searching for a free software project to contribute to. Your project 
seems to be interesting and challenging, and it seems that it is in 
need of some helping hands, so I offer mine. Just some words to my 
skills: in work I'm mostly doing C++ and Python, for personal use I 
prefer C and Scheme. I am also familiar with Java, JavaScript and 
POSIX sh scripting. I have not much experience with PDF internals, but 
I am willing to learn.

For me completing the unit tests for the type 4 postscript functions 
seems to be good task to begin with. Please let me know if you think 
it is ok that I start to work on this. I have already had a glance at 
the code and while I experimented with it a bit some questions came up:

1) What's the reference for your implementation? I have the PDF 
reference 1.7 at hand; is it ok to use this? To me it seems that your 
implementation of the type 4 functions does not comply to the 1.7 
reference in the regard of the logical operaters (and, xor, not, or). 
According to the reference they should support the corresponding 
binary and logical operations, the gnupdf library only supports the 
binary ones. Is this intented?

2) The current unit tests use predefined pdf type 4 functions. Is it 
required to use test functions that have a real world use or can I 
implement unit tests around functions that only make sense for testing 


Johannes Tax
Piberegg 3, 8580 Köflach, Austria

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