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Re: [Pgubook-readers] Counters and register size

From: Herbert R Coburn
Subject: Re: [Pgubook-readers] Counters and register size
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 10:34:14 -0800
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On 11/20/2012 02:13 PM, Woolly Thinking wrote:
The very simplest answer to register - cpu size is that it is the number of wires that carry the 
cpu instructions or data.  This is a slight over simplification but 16 bit cpu's basicaly use 16 
wires, 32 bit cpu's use 32 wires, etc  When you hear that a computer has 64 bit addressability it 
means that it has the wiring for 64 "on/off" states carried on the individual wires.  
These in turn mean that 64 on-off states provide the highest binary number that can be defined by 
that number of bits.  The  "word" originally came from the concept of one individual 
wiring state that transmitted a computer logical concept within a the limits of the cpu's wiring.  
So a 16 bit computer's word was 16 bits.  The wiring of a computer corresponds in all respects to 
this word size.  Every register is 16 bits on a 16 bit computer.

Definitions must have changed back as I've aged. There was a time,
ca. 1960's, when a word was equal to the register size, for
example, DEC's PDP's 12-bit words. Later, a word was standardized
to 16-bits or two bytes. Thus in programming languages such as C,
there are types equal to binary (one bit), nybble (four bits),
byte (eight bits), word (16 bits), double-word (32 bits), and quad-
word (64 bits). The original Inel CPU, the 4004, had 4-bit
registers. The 8080/Z80 (TRS-80 computers) and 6502 (Apple ][) had
eight-bit registers that could be paired to make a 16-bit register.
The 8086, ancestor to today's CPU's had eight-bit registers that
were normally paired as 16-bit registers. One of the big differences
in these CPU's were how that fetched (pulled) memory into the
registers. Prior to the 8086, memory was fetched one byte at a
time. The 8086 fetched two bytes (a full word) at a time. The
80386 fetched four bytes.

The counter is a register that holds the address of the next executable 
instruction.  This is a binary number that specifies an address in ram 
(addressability).  This counter is incremented by the next fetch cycle.  It can 
also be altered by programming in which the old value is saved (for later 
restoration) and a new value provided.  This is the basis for all branch,  
perform, and goto instructions in all languages.  Assembler does this but 
requires programmer effort.

Counter size is not necessarily related to register size. The
8086 had a conceptual register, such as bc, of 16-bits, but
the complicated structure of the counter resulted in a 20-bit
address range.

The initial address of the counter when you turn your computer
on is hard-wired in the CPU. Intel CPU's tend to point at
the lowest address. Motorola/IBM CPU's tend to point at the
highest possible address that could contain a JMP instruction
to the boot code. At least they used to.

I've been on the fringes of computer programming since 1989, so
I don't know how today's CPU's really function. Luckily, AMD's
CPU's still run 80486 code so I can still get by.

As you study, consider programming useful applications on an
eight-bit CPU that could only address 64K of memory, of which
16K was used by the operating system, running at 1MHz. I am
absolutely amazed that today's applications on 64-bit quad-core
CPU's running at 1.5 to 3GHZ (up to 3,000 times faster) with
multi-GB memories crawl compared to some of the applications
written in the 1970's. Programmers have grown so lazy.


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