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[Phpcompta-dev] r4939 - phpcompta/trunk/include

From: phpcompta-dev
Subject: [Phpcompta-dev] r4939 - phpcompta/trunk/include
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 15:01:34 +0200 (CEST)

Author: danydb
Date: 2012-06-19 15:01:33 +0200 (Tue, 19 Jun 2012)
New Revision: 4939

0000641: Nettoyage fichier

Modified: phpcompta/trunk/include/class_stock.php
--- phpcompta/trunk/include/class_stock.php     2012-06-18 19:31:45 UTC (rev 
+++ phpcompta/trunk/include/class_stock.php     2012-06-19 13:01:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -32,159 +32,6 @@
 class Stock extends Stock_Sql
-       function view_detail_stock($p_sg_code, $p_year)
-       {
-               $sql = "select sg_id,
-              sg_code,
-         j_montant,
-         coalesce(j_date,sg_date) as j_date,
-         sg_quantity,
-         sg_type,
-         jr_id,
-         coalesce(jr_comment,sg_comment) as comment,
-         coalesce(jr_internal,'Changement manuel') as jr_internal,
-         jr_id,
-         case when sg_date is not null then sg_date else j_date end as 
-         from stock_goods
-         left outer join jrnx using (j_id)
-         left outer join jrn on jr_grpt_id=j_grpt
-         where
-         sg_code=$1 and (
-         sg_exercice = $2
-         or j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where p_exercice=$2)
-         )
-         order by stock_date
-         ";
-               // name
-               $in_quantity = 0;
-               $out_quantity = 0;
-               $in_amount = 0;
-               $out_amount = 0;
-               $r = "";
-               $a_name = getFicheNameCode($p_cn, $p_sg_code);
-               $name = "";
-               if ($a_name != null)
-               {
-                       foreach ($a_name as $key => $element)
-                       {
-                               $name.=$element['av_text'] . ",";
-                       }
-               }// if ( $a_name
-               // Add java script for detail
-               $r.='<H2 class="info">' . $p_sg_code . "  Noms : " . $name . 
-               $Res = $this->cn->exec_sql($sql, array($p_sg_code, $p_year));
-               if (($M = Database::num_row($Res)) == 0)
-                       return "no rows";
-               $r.='<table class="result" >';
-               $r.="<TR >";
-               $r.="<th>Date </th>";
-               $r.="<th>Entrée / Sortie </th>";
-               $r.="<th>Description</th>";
-               $r.="<th>Op&eacute;ration</th>";
-               $r.="<th style=\"text-align:right\">Montant</th>";
-               $r.="<th style=\"text-align:right\">Quantité</th>";
-               $r.="<th style=\"text-align:right\">Prix/Cout Unitaire</th>";
-               $r.="</TR>";
-               $tot_quantity = 0;
-               for ($i = 0; $i < $M; $i++)
-               {
-                       $l = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
-                       $r.="<tR id=\"stock" . $l['sg_id'] . "\" >";
-                       // date
-                       $r.="<TD>";
-                       $r.=format_date($l['j_date']);
-                       $r.="</TD>";
-                       //type (deb = out cred=in)
-                       $r.="<TD>";
-                       $r.=($l['sg_type'] == 'c') ? 'OUT' : 'IN';
-                       $r.="</TD>";
-                       if ($l['sg_type'] == 'c')
-                       {
-                               $quantity = (-1) * $l['sg_quantity'];
-                               $out_quantity+=$l['sg_quantity'];
-                               $out_amount+=$l['j_montant'];
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               $quantity = $l['sg_quantity'];
-                               $in_quantity+=$l['sg_quantity'];
-                               $in_amount+=$l['j_montant'];
-                       }
-                       $tot_quantity+=$quantity;
-                       // comment
-                       $r.="<TD>";
-                       $r.=h($l['comment']);
-                       $r.="</TD>";
-                       // jr_internal
-                       $r.="<TD>";
-                       if ($l['jr_id'] != "")
-                               $r.= "<A class=\"detail\" 
style=\"text-decoration:underline\" HREF=\"javascript:modifyOperation('" . 
$l['jr_id'] . "'," . dossier::id() . ",0,'S')\" > " . $l['jr_internal'] . 
-                       else
-                               $r.=$l['jr_internal'];
-                       $r.="</TD>";
-                       //amount
-                       $r.='<TD align="right">';
-                       $r.=nbm($l['j_montant']);
-                       $r.="</TD>";
-                       //quantity
-                       $r.='<TD align="right">';
-                       $r.=abs($quantity);
-                       $r.="</TD>";
-                       // Unit Price
-                       $r.='<TD align="right">';
-                       $up = "";
-                       if ($l['sg_quantity'] != 0)
-                               $up = round($l['j_montant'] / 
$l['sg_quantity'], 4);
-                       $r.=nbm($up);
-                       $r.="</TD>";
-                       $r.=td(HtmlInput::remove_stock($l['sg_id'], 'Effacer'), 
'id="href' . $l['sg_id'] . '"');
-                       $r.="</TR>";
-               }// for ($i
-               // write the total
-               $msg = ($tot_quantity < 0) ? 'Sortie / Vente ' : 'Entrée / 
Achat ';
-               $row = td('Total ' . $msg, ' colspan="4" 
-               $row.=td(abs($tot_quantity), 'style="text-align:right"');
-               $row.=td();
-               $r.=td($row);
-               $r.="</table>";
-               $r.='<div style="float:left">';
-               $r.='<table>';
-               $row = td('Quantité IN/Achetée') . td($in_quantity, 
-               $r.=tr($row);
-               $row = td('Quantité OUT/Vendue') . td($out_quantity, 
-               $r.=tr($row);
-               $row = td('Quantité ') . td(abs($tot_quantity), 
-               $r.=tr($row);
-               $r.='</table>';
-               $r.='</div>';
-               $r.='<div style="float:left;clear:right;margin-left:10%">';
-               $r.='<table>';
-               $row = td('Montant IN/Acheté') . td($in_amount, 
-               $r.=tr($row);
-               $row = td('Montant OUT/Vendu') . td($out_amount, 
-               $r.=tr($row);
-               $row = td('Montant ') . td($out_amount - $in_amount, 
-               $r.=tr($row);
-               $r.='</table>';
-               $r.='</div>';
-               return $r;
-       }
         * show history of all the stock movement
         * @param $p_array usually contains $_GET

Deleted: phpcompta/trunk/include/
--- phpcompta/trunk/include/       2012-06-18 19:31:45 UTC (rev 
+++ phpcompta/trunk/include/       2012-06-19 13:01:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- *   This file is part of PHPCOMPTA.
- *
- *   PhpCompta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *   (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *   PhpCompta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *   GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *   along with PHPCOMPTA; if not, write to the Free Software
- *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-// Auteur Dany De Bontridder address@hidden
-/* $Revision$ */
- * \brief Manage the stock by year
- */
-include_once ("ac_common.php");
-$cn=new Database($gDossier);
-include_once ("class_user.php");
-global $g_user;
-$action= ( isset ($_GET['action']))? $_GET['action']:"";
-// Adjust the stock
-if ( isset ($_POST['sub_change']))
-    $change=$_POST['stock_change'];
-    $sg_code=$_POST['sg_code'];
-    $sg_date=$_POST['sg_date'];
-    $year=$_POST['year'];
-    $comment=$_POST['comment'];
-    if ( isDate($sg_date) == null
-            or isNumber($change) == 0
-            or isNumber($year) == 0 )
-    {
-        $msg="Stock données non conformes";
-        alert('$msg');
-        echo_error($msg);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // if neg the stock decrease => credit
-        $type=( $change < 0 )?'c':'d';
-        if ( $change != 0)
-        {
-            $comment=sql_string($comment);
-            $Res=$cn->exec_sql("insert into stock_goods
-                               (  j_id,
-                               f_id,
-                               sg_code,
-                               sg_quantity,
-                               sg_type,
-                               sg_date,
-                               sg_exercice,
-                               sg_comment,
-                               sg_tech_user)
-                               values (
-                               null,
-                               null,
-                               '$sg_code',
-                               abs($change),
-                               '$type',
-                               to_date('$sg_date','DD.MM.YYYY'),
-                               '$year',
-                               '$comment',
-                               '".$_SESSION['g_user']."');
-                               ");
-        }
-        // to update the view
-        $action="detail";
-    }
-// View the summary
-// if year is not set then use the year of the user's periode
-if ( ! isset ($_GET['year']) )
-    // get defaut periode
-    $a=$g_user->get_periode();
-    // get exercice of periode
-    $periode=new Periode($cn,$a);
-    $year=$periode->get_exercice();
-    $year=$_GET['year'];
-// View details
-if ( $action == 'detail' )
-    $sg_code=(isset ($_GET['sg_code'] ))?$_GET['sg_code']:$_POST['sg_code'];
-    $year=(isset($_GET['year']))?$_GET['year']:$_POST['year'];
-    $a=ViewDetailStock($cn,$sg_code,$year);
-    $write=1;
-    $b="";
-    echo '<div class="redcontent" style="margin-left:10%">' ;
-    echo $a;
-    echo '<div style="float:left;clear:both">';
-    if ( $write != 0)
-    {
-        echo '<fieldset><legend>';
-        echo 'Entrer la valeur qui doit augmenter ou diminuer le stock';
-        echo '</legend>';
-        echo '<form action="?ac='.$_GET['ac'].'" method="POST">';
-        echo ChangeStock($sg_code,$year);
-        echo HtmlInput::submit("sub_change" ,"Valider");
-        echo dossier::hidden();
-        echo 
-        echo '</form>';
-        echo '</fieldset>';
-    }
-    else
-        echo 
-    echo '</div>';
-    echo '</div>';
-    exit();
-// Show the possible years
-$sql="select distinct (p_exercice) as exercice from parm_periode ";
-for ( $i = 0; $i < Database::num_row($Res);$i++)
-    $l=Database::fetch_array($Res,$i);
-    $url=sprintf("?ac=".$_REQUEST['ac']."&year=%d&".dossier::get(),
-                     $l['exercice']);
-    $r.=HtmlInput::button_anchor($l['exercice'],$url);
-// Check if User Can see the stock
-// Show the current stock
-echo '<div class="redcontent">';
-echo $r;
-if ( $a != null )
-    echo $a;
-echo '</div>';

Deleted: phpcompta/trunk/include/stock_inc.php
--- phpcompta/trunk/include/stock_inc.php       2012-06-18 19:31:45 UTC (rev 
+++ phpcompta/trunk/include/stock_inc.php       2012-06-19 13:01:33 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
- *   This file is part of PhpCompta.
- *
- *   PhpCompta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *   (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *   PhpCompta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *   GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *   along with PhpCompta; if not, write to the Free Software
- *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-/* $Revision$ */
-// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder address@hidden
-/*! \file
- * \brief Function for managing the stock
- */
- **************************************************
- * \brief  show the listing of all goods
- *
- *
- *\param  $cn  database connection
- * \param $p_year exercice
- *     -
- * \return string containing the table
- */
-function ViewStock($p_cn,$p_year)
-// build sql -- get the different merchandise sold or bought
-    // during the p_year
-    /* $sql=" select distinct sg_code
-        from stock_goods
-         left outer join  jrnx on (stock_goods.j_id=jrnx.j_id)
-        right outer join parm_periode on (parm_periode.p_id=jrnx.j_tech_per)
-      where
-        p_exercice= '$p_year'
-        and sg_code is not null and sg_code != '' and sg_code!='null'";
-    */
-    $sql=" select distinct sg_code
-         from stock_goods
-         where
-         sg_code is not null and sg_code not in ('','null','--not found--','- 
ERROR -')";
-    // send the sql
-    $Res=$p_cn->exec_sql($sql);
-    if ( ( $M = Database::num_row($Res)) == 0 ) return null;
-    // store it in a HTLM table
-    $result='<table style="width:100%;border:solid blue 2px 
-    $result.="<tr>";
-    $result.='<th style="text-align:left">Code</th>';
-    $result.='<th style="text-align:left">Noms</th>';
-    $result.='<th style="text-align:right">Entrée</th>';
-    $result.='<th style="text-align:right">Sortie</th>';
-    $result.='<th style="text-align:right">Solde</th>';
-    $result.="</tr>";
-    // Sql result => table
-    for ($i = 0; $i < $M ; $i++ )
-    {
-        $r=Database::fetch_array($Res,$i);
-        $result.="<TR>";
-        // sg_code  and link to details
-        $result.="<td>".'<a class="one"
-                 '&'.dossier::get().'">'.
-                     $r['sg_code']."</A></td>";
-        // name
-        $a_name=getFicheNameCode($p_cn,$r['sg_code']);
-        $name="";
-        if ( $a_name != null )
-        {
-            foreach ($a_name as $key=>$element)
-            {
-                $name.=$element['av_text'].",";
-            }
-        }// if ( $a_name
-        $result.="<td> $name </td>";
-        // Debit (in)
-        $deb=GetQuantity($p_cn,$r['sg_code'],$p_year,'d');
-        $deb=($deb=='')?"0.0":$deb;
-        $result.='<td style="text-align:right">'.$deb."</td>";
-        // Credit (out)
-        $cred=GetQuantity($p_cn,$r['sg_code'],$p_year,'c');
-        $cred=($cred=='')?"0.0":$cred;
-        $result.='<td style="text-align:right">'.$cred."</td>";
-        // diff
-        $diff=$deb-$cred;
-        $msg=($diff < 0)?_('Sortie /Vente '):_('Entrée/Achat ');
-        $result.='<td style="text-align:right">'. $msg.(abs($diff))."</td>";
-        $result.="</tr>";
-    }
-    $result.="</table>";
-    return $result;
- ************************************************************
- * \brief  return an array of f_id and f_name
- *
- *
- * \param $p_cn database connection
- * \param _sg_code stock_goods.sg_code
- * \return
- *      - array (f_id, f_label) or null if nothing is found
- */
-function getFicheNameCode ($p_cn,$p_sg_code)
-    // Sql stmt
-    $sql="select distinct f_id,ad_value
-         from stock_goods
-         join fiche_detail using(f_id)
-         where
-         ad_id=".ATTR_DEF_STOCK."
-         and sg_code='$p_sg_code'
-         ";
-// Execute
-    $Res=$p_cn->exec_sql($sql);
-    if ( ( $M=Database::num_row($Res)) == 0 ) return null;
-// Store in an array
-    for ( $i=0; $i<$M;$i++)
-    {
-        $r=Database::fetch_array($Res,$i);
-        $a['f_id']=$r['f_id'];
-        $fiche=new Fiche($p_cn,$r['f_id']);
-        $a['av_text']=$fiche->getName();
-        $result[$i]=$a;
-    }
-    return $result;
- **************************************************
- * \brief View the details of a stock
- *
- *
- *\param $p_cn database connection
- * \param$p_sg_code
- * \param $p_year
- * \return HTML code
- */
-function ViewDetailStock($p_cn,$p_sg_code,$p_year)
-    $sql="select sg_id,
-              sg_code,
-         j_montant,
-         coalesce(j_date,sg_date) as j_date,
-         sg_quantity,
-         sg_type,
-         jr_id,
-         coalesce(jr_comment,sg_comment) as comment,
-         coalesce(jr_internal,'Changement manuel') as jr_internal,
-         jr_id,
-         case when sg_date is not null then sg_date else j_date end as 
-         from stock_goods
-         left outer join jrnx using (j_id)
-         left outer join jrn on jr_grpt_id=j_grpt
-         where
-         sg_code='$p_sg_code' and (
-         sg_exercice = '$p_year'
-         or j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where 
-         )
-         order by stock_date
-         " ;
-    // name
-    $in_quantity=0;
-    $out_quantity=0;
-    $in_amount=0;
-    $out_amount=0;
-    $r="";
-    $a_name=getFicheNameCode($p_cn,$p_sg_code);
-    $name="";
-    if ( $a_name != null )
-    {
-        foreach ($a_name as $key=>$element)
-        {
-            $name.=$element['av_text'].",";
-        }
-    }// if ( $a_name
-    // Add java script for detail
-    $r.='<H2 class="info">'.$p_sg_code."  Noms : ".$name.'</H2>';
-    $Res=$p_cn->exec_sql($sql);
-    if ( ($M=Database::num_row($Res)) == 0 ) return "no rows";
-    $r.='<table class="result" >';
-    $r.="<TR >";
-    $r.="<th>Date </th>";
-    $r.="<th>Entrée / Sortie </th>";
-    $r.="<th>Description</th>";
-    $r.="<th>Op&eacute;ration</th>";
-    $r.="<th style=\"text-align:right\">Montant</th>";
-    $r.="<th style=\"text-align:right\">Quantité</th>";
-    $r.="<th style=\"text-align:right\">Prix/Cout Unitaire</th>";
-    $r.="</TR>";
-    $tot_quantity=0;
-    for ( $i=0; $i < $M;$i++)
-    {
-        $l=Database::fetch_array($Res,$i);
-        $r.="<tR id=\"stock".$l['sg_id']."\" >";
-        // date
-        $r.="<TD>";
-        $r.=format_date($l['j_date']);
-        $r.="</TD>";
-        //type (deb = out cred=in)
-        $r.="<TD>";
-        $r.=($l['sg_type']=='c')?'OUT':'IN';
-        $r.="</TD>";
-        if ( $l['sg_type']=='c')
-        {
-            $quantity=(-1)*$l['sg_quantity'];
-            $out_quantity+=$l['sg_quantity'];
-            $out_amount+=$l['j_montant'];
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $quantity=$l['sg_quantity'];
-            $in_quantity+=$l['sg_quantity'];
-            $in_amount+=$l['j_montant'];
-        }
-        $tot_quantity+=$quantity;
-        // comment
-        $r.="<TD>";
-        $r.=h($l['comment']);
-        $r.="</TD>";
-        // jr_internal
-        $r.="<TD>";
-        if ( $l['jr_id'] != "")
-            $r.= "<A class=\"detail\" style=\"text-decoration:underline\" 
> ".$l['jr_internal']."</A>";
-        else
-            $r.=$l['jr_internal'];
-        $r.="</TD>";
-        //amount
-        $r.='<TD align="right">';
-        $r.=nbm($l['j_montant']);
-        $r.="</TD>";
-        //quantity
-        $r.='<TD align="right">';
-        $r.=abs($quantity);
-        $r.="</TD>";
-        // Unit Price
-        $r.='<TD align="right">';
-        $up="";
-        if ( $l['sg_quantity'] != 0 )
-            $up=round($l['j_montant']/$l['sg_quantity'],4);
-        $r.=nbm($up);
-        $r.="</TD>";
-        $r.="</TR>";
-    }// for ($i
-    // write the total
-    $msg=($tot_quantity<0)?'Sortie / Vente ':'Entrée / Achat ';
-    $row=td('Total '.$msg,' colspan="4" style="width:auto;text-align:right"');
-    $row.=td(abs($tot_quantity), 'style="text-align:right"');
-    $row.=td();
-    $r.=td($row);
-    $r.="</table>";
-    $r.='<div style="float:left">';
-    $r.='<table>';
-    $row=td('Quantité IN/Achetée').td($in_quantity,'style="text-align:right"');
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $row=td('Quantité 
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $row=td('Quantité ').td(abs($tot_quantity),'style="text-align:right"');
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $r.='</table>';
-    $r.='</div>';
-    $r.='<div style="float:left;clear:right;margin-left:10%">';
-    $r.='<table>';
-    $row=td('Montant IN/Acheté').td($in_amount,'style="text-align:right"');
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $row=td('Montant OUT/Vendu').td($out_amount,'style="text-align:right"');
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $row=td('Montant ').td($out_amount-$in_amount,'style="text-align:right"');
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $r.='</table>';
-    $r.='</div>';
-    return $r;
- **************************************************
- * \brief
- *
- * parm :
- *     -
- * gen :
- *     -
- * return:
- */
-function ChangeStock($p_sg_code,$p_year)
-    $sg_date=date("d.m.Y");
-    $r='<table>';
-    $row=td('Description');
-    $row.=td(' <input type="text" class="input_text"  name="comment" 
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $row=td('Valeur(positive pour IN ou négative comme OUT)');
-    $row.=td(' <input type="text" class="input_text" name="stock_change" 
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $row=td('Date');
-    $row.=td(' <input type="text" class="input_text"  name="sg_date" 
-    $r.=tr($row);
-    $r.='</table>';
-    $r.='<input type="hidden" name="sg_code" value="'.$p_sg_code.'">
-        <input type="hidden" name="year" value="'.$p_year.'">';
-    return $r;
- * \brief return the quantity of a sg_code for the period
- *
- * \return number or NULL
- */
-function GetQuantity($p_cn,$p_sg_code,$p_year,$p_type)
-    $sql="select sum(sg_quantity) as result
-         from stock_goods
-         left join jrnx on (stock_goods.j_id=jrnx.j_id)
-         left join parm_periode on (parm_periode.p_id=jrnx.j_tech_per)
-         where
-         sg_code='$p_sg_code' and
-         (p_exercice = '$p_year' or 
to_char(sg_date::timestamp,'YYYY')='$p_year') and
-         sg_type='$p_type'";
-    $Res=$p_cn->exec_sql($sql);
-    if ( Database::num_row($Res)== 0) return null;
-    $value=Database::fetch_array($Res,0);
-    return $value['result'];

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