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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: email/inc,1.10,1.11 class

From: Angelo Tony Puglisi <address@hidden>
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: email/inc,1.10,1.11,1.59,1.60,1.21,1.22
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 21:38:17 -0500

Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware//email/inc
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv16242/email/inc

Modified Files: 
Log Message:
fix get correct acctnum when deleting from an extra account

RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware//email/inc/,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -r1.10 -r1.11
***      11 Jan 2002 06:10:32 -0000      1.10
---      12 Jan 2002 02:38:14 -0000      1.11
*** 21,25 ****
                var $debug = 0;
!               //var $debug = 4;       
                var $xml_functions = array();
                var $xi = array();
--- 21,25 ----
                var $debug = 0;
!               //var $debug = 4;
                var $xml_functions = array();
                var $xi = array();
*** 194,201 ****
!                                               if ($this->debug > 0) { echo 
'email.boaction.delmov: (delete) $GLOBALS[phpgw]->msg->phpgw_delete() returns 
True, calling 
$GLOBALS[phpgw]->msg->phpgw_expunge('.$delmov_list[$i]['acctnum'].')<br>'; }
                                                $did_expunge = False;
                                                $did_expunge = 
!                                               if ($this->debug > 2) { echo 
'email.boaction.delmov: (delete) $GLOBALS[phpgw]->msg->phpgw_expunge() returns 
'.serialize($did_expunge).'<br>'; }
--- 194,202 ----
!                                               if ($this->debug > 0) { echo 
'email.boaction.delmov: (delete) $GLOBALS[phpgw]->msg->phpgw_delete() returns 
True<br>'; }
!                                               if ($this->debug > 0) { echo 
'email.boaction.delmov: (delete) calling 
$GLOBALS[phpgw]->msg->phpgw_expunge('.$delmov_list[$i]['acctnum'].')<br>'; }
                                                $did_expunge = False;
                                                $did_expunge = 
!                                               if ($this->debug > 2) { echo 
'email.boaction.delmov: (delete) 
$GLOBALS[phpgw]->msg->phpgw_expunge('.$delmov_list[$i]['acctnum'].') returns 
'.serialize($did_expunge).'<br>'; }

RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware//email/inc/,v
retrieving revision 1.59
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -C2 -r1.59 -r1.60
*** 11 Jan 2002 10:39:27 -0000      1.59
--- 12 Jan 2002 02:38:14 -0000      1.60
*** 872,897 ****
                        // make a "new" holder object to hold the dcom object
                        // remember, by now we have determined an acctnum
-                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
begin_request: creating new dcom_holder at 
$this->a['.$this->acctnum.'][dcom_holder]'.'<br>'; }
-                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom_holder'] = new 
-                       //$this_dcom_holder = new mail_dcom_holder;
-                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom_holder'] = 
-                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom_holder']->dcom = '';
-                       // apparently php3 wants you to create the object 
first, then put it in the array
                        $this_server_type = 
-                       //$this_dcom_holder->dcom = 
CreateObject("email.mail_dcom", $this_server_type);
-                       //$this_dcom = CreateObject("email.mail_dcom", 
                        // ok, now put that object into the array
!                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom'] = $this_dcom;
!                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom_holder']->dcom = 
!                       $this_acctnum = (string)$this->acctnum;
!                       //$this->a[$this_acctnum]['dcom_holder'] = 
                        $GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$this_acctnum] = new 
                        $GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$this_acctnum]->dcom = 
CreateObject("email.mail_dcom", $this_server_type);
-                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom_holder']->dcom = 
CreateObject("email.mail_dcom", $this_server_type);
-                       //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
                        // initialize the dcom class variables
-                       //$tmp_a['dcom']->mail_dcom_base();
--- 872,882 ----
                        // make a "new" holder object to hold the dcom object
                        // remember, by now we have determined an acctnum
                        $this_server_type = 
                        // ok, now put that object into the array
!                       $this_acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
begin_request: creating new dcom_holder at 
$GLOBALS["phpgw_dcom_".$this_acctnum('.$this_acctnum.')] = new 
mail_dcom_holder'.'<br>'; }
                        $GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$this_acctnum] = new 
                        $GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$this_acctnum]->dcom = 
CreateObject("email.mail_dcom", $this_server_type);
                        // initialize the dcom class variables
*** 901,905 ****
                        && ($this->get_pref_value('enable_utf7')))
-                               //$tmp_a['dcom']->enable_utf7 = True;
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$this_acctnum]->dcom->enable_utf7 = True;
--- 886,889 ----
*** 907,911 ****
                        if ($this->force_msg_uids == True)
-                               //$tmp_a['dcom']->force_msg_uids = True;
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$this_acctnum]->dcom->force_msg_uids = True;
--- 891,894 ----
*** 914,919 ****
                        // login to INBOX because we know that always(?) should 
exist on an imap server and pop server
                        // after we are logged in we can get additional info 
that will lead us to the desired folder (if not INBOX)
!                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
begin_request: about to call dcom->open: 
 '.$user.', '.$pass.', )'.'<br>'; }
!                       //$mailsvr_stream = 
$tmp_a['dcom']->open($mailsvr_callstr."INBOX", $user, $pass, '');
                        $mailsvr_stream = 
$user, $pass, '');
                        $pass = '';
--- 897,901 ----
                        // login to INBOX because we know that always(?) should 
exist on an imap server and pop server
                        // after we are logged in we can get additional info 
that will lead us to the desired folder (if not INBOX)
!                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
begin_request: about to call dcom->open: 
 '.$user.', '.$pass.', )'.'<br>'; }
                        $mailsvr_stream = 
$user, $pass, '');
                        $pass = '';
*** 1071,1076 ****
                        if ($this->debug_logins > 0) { echo 'mail_msg: 
end_request: stream exists, logging out'.'<br>'; }
-                       //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
                        $this_acctnum = $this->acctnum;
--- 1053,1056 ----
*** 1080,1083 ****
--- 1060,1186 ----
                //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
+       function open_stream_extra($fldball='')
+       {
+               if ($this->debug_logins > 0) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: ENTERING, fldball: ['.serialize($fldball).'] <br>'; }
+               $existing_mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
+               if ((isset($existing_mailsvr_stream))
+               && ((string)$existing_mailsvr_stream != ''))
+               {
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 0) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: LEAVING, stream already exists, returning 
$existing_mailsvr_stream ['.serialize($existing_mailsvr_stream).'] <br>'; }
+                       return $existing_mailsvr_stream;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: stream for this account needs tp be opened'.'<br>'; }
+                       $acctnum = $fldball['acctnum'];
+                       $mailsvr_callstr = 
$this->get_pref_value('mailsvr_callstr', $acctnum);
+                       if ($this->get_isset_pref('passwd', $acctnum) == False)
+                       {
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: this->a[$this->acctnum][prefs][passwd] NOT set, fallback to 
$GLOBALS[phpgw_info][user][passwd]'.'<br>'; }
+                               $pass = 
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: pass grabbed from GLOBALS[phpgw_info][user][passwd] = 
'.htmlspecialchars(serialize($pass)).'<br>'; }
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               $pass = 
$this->decrypt_email_passwd($this->get_pref_value('passwd', $acctnum));
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: pass decoded from prefs: 
'.htmlspecialchars(serialize($this->get_pref_value('passwd'))).'<br>'; }
+                       }
+                       if ( $this->get_isset_pref('userid', $acctnum)
+                       && ($this->get_pref_value('userid', $acctnum) != '')
+                       && (isset($pass))
+                       && ($pass != '') )
+                       {
+                               $user = $this->get_pref_value('userid', 
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                                       echo 'mail_msg: open_stream_extra: 
ERROR: userid or passwd empty'."<br>\r\n"
+                                               .' * * 
$this->get_pref_value(userid, '.$acctnum.') = '
.$this->get_pref_value('userid', $acctnum)."<br>\r\n"
+                                               .' * * if the userid is filled, 
then it must be the password that is missing'."<br>\r\n"
+                                               .' * * tell your admin if a) 
you have a custom email password or not when reporting this error'."<br>\r\n";
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 0) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: LEAVING with ERROR: userid or passwd empty<br>';}
+                               return False;
+                       }
+                       // ----  Create email server Data Communication Class  
+                       $this_server_type = 
$this->get_pref_value('mail_server_type', $acctnum);
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: creating new dcom_holder at 
$GLOBALS["phpgw_dcom_".$this_acctnum('.$this_acctnum.')] = new 
mail_dcom_holder'.'<br>'; }
+                       $GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum] = new mail_dcom_holder;
+                       $GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom = 
CreateObject("email.mail_dcom", $this_server_type);
+                       if (($this->get_isset_pref('enable_utf7', $acctnum))
+                       && ($this->get_pref_value('enable_utf7', $acctnum)))
+                       {
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->enable_utf7 = True;
+                       }
+                       if ($this->force_msg_uids == True)
+                       {
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->force_msg_uids = True;
+                       }
+                       set_time_limit(60);
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: about to call dcom->open: 
 '.$user.', '.$pass.', )'.'<br>'; }
+                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->open($mailsvr_callstr."INBOX", $user, 
$pass, '');
+                       $pass = '';
+                       set_time_limit(0);
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) {  echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: open returns $mailsvr_stream = 
['.serialize($mailsvr_stream).']<br>'; }
+                       if ( (!isset($mailsvr_stream))
+                       || ($mailsvr_stream == '') )
+                       {
+                               $this->set_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', '', 
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 0) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: LEAVING with ERROR: failed to open mailsvr_stream : 
+                               return False;
+                       }
+                       $this->set_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $mailsvr_stream, 
+                       $this->set_arg_value('mailsvr_account_username', $user, 
+                       $mailsvr_namespace = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_namespace', $acctnum);
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: $mailsvr_namespace: '.serialize($mailsvr_namespace).'<br>'; }
+                       $mailsvr_delimiter = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_delimiter', $acctnum);
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: $mailsvr_delimiter: '.serialize($mailsvr_delimiter).'<br>'; }
+                       $input_folder_arg = $fldball['folder'];
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: about to issue $processed_folder_arg = 
$this->prep_folder_in('.$input_folder_arg.')<br>'; }
+                       $processed_folder_arg = 
+                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: $processed_folder_arg value: 
['.$processed_folder_arg.']<br>'; }
+                       // ---- Switch To Desired Folder If Necessary  ----
+                       if ($processed_folder_arg == 'INBOX')
+                       {
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: NO need to switch folders, about to issue: 
$this->set_arg_value("folder", '.$processed_folder_arg.')<br>'; }
+                               $this->set_arg_value('folder', 
$processed_folder_arg, $acctnum);
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: need to switch folders (reopen) from INBOX to 
$processed_folder_arg: '.$processed_folder_arg.'<br>';}
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: about to issue: 
'.$mailsvr_callstr.$processed_folder_arg,', )'.'<br>';}
+                               $did_reopen = 
$mailsvr_callstr.$processed_folder_arg, '');
+                               if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
open_stream_extra: reopen returns: '.serialize($did_reopen).'<br>';}
+                               if ($did_reopen == False)
+                               {
+                                       if ($this->debug_logins > 0) { echo 
'mail_msg: open_stream_extra: LEAVING with re-open ERROR, closing stream, 
FAILED to reopen (change folders) $mailsvr_stream ['.$mailsvr_stream.'] INBOX 
to ['.$mailsvr_callstr.$processed_folder_arg.'<br>';}
+                                       $this->end_request($acctnum);
+                                       return False;
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 
'mail_msg: open_stream_extra: Successful switch folders (reopen) from (default 
initial folder) INBOX to ['.$processed_folder_arg.']<br>';}
+                                       if ($this->debug_logins > 1) { echo 
'mail_msg: open_stream_extra: switched folders (via reopen), about to issue: 
$this->set_arg_value("folder", '.$processed_folder_arg.')<br>'; }
+                                       $this->set_arg_value('folder', 
$processed_folder_arg, $acctnum);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
+               }
+       }
        function login_error($called_from='')

RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware//email/inc/,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -C2 -r1.21 -r1.22
***     9 Jan 2002 10:55:29 -0000       1.21
---     12 Jan 2002 02:38:14 -0000      1.22
*** 68,76 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = $tmp_a['dcom']->fetchstructure($stream, 
!                       $retval = 
                        //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                        return $retval;
--- 68,76 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = 
$tmp_a['dcom']->fetchstructure($mailsvr_stream, $msgball['msgnum']);
!                       $retval = 
                        //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                        return $retval;
*** 98,107 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        // Message Information: THE MESSAGE'S HEADERS RETURNED 
                        //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = $tmp_a['dcom']->header($stream, 
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->header($stream, $msgball['msgnum']);
                        //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                        return $retval;
--- 98,107 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        // Message Information: THE MESSAGE'S HEADERS RETURNED 
                        //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = $tmp_a['dcom']->header($mailsvr_stream, 
!                       $retval = 
                        //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                        return $retval;
*** 121,130 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        // Message Information: THE MESSAGE'S HEADERS RETURNED 
RAW (no processing)
                        //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = $tmp_a['dcom']->fetchheader($stream, 
!                       $retval = 
                        //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                        return $retval;
--- 121,130 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        // Message Information: THE MESSAGE'S HEADERS RETURNED 
RAW (no processing)
                        //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = 
$tmp_a['dcom']->fetchheader($mailsvr_stream, $msgball['msgnum']);
!                       $retval = 
                        //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                        return $retval;
*** 163,168 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->get_body($stream, $msgball['msgnum']);
                        return $retval;
--- 163,168 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
!                       $retval = 
                        return $retval;
*** 187,203 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        $msgnum = $msgball['msgnum'];
                        $part_no = $msgball['part_no'];
!                       //echo 'mail_msg(_wrappers): phpgw_fetchbody: 
processed: $acctnum: '.$acctnum.'; $stream: '.serialize($stream).'; $msgnum: 
'.$msgnum.'; $part_no: '.$part_no.'<br> * $msgball dump<pre>'; 
print_r($msgball); echo '</pre>';
!                       return 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->fetchbody($stream, $msgnum, $part_no, 
                function phpgw_fetchbody($msgball='', $part_num_mime='', 
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream');
                        $msgnum = $msgball['msgnum'];
                        $part_no = $msgball['part_no'];
!                       return 
$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom']->fetchbody($stream, $msgnum, $part_no, $flags);
--- 187,203 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        $msgnum = $msgball['msgnum'];
                        $part_no = $msgball['part_no'];
!                       //echo 'mail_msg(_wrappers): phpgw_fetchbody: 
processed: $acctnum: '.$acctnum.'; $mailsvr_stream: 
'.serialize($mailsvr_stream).'; $msgnum: '.$msgnum.'; $part_no: 
'.$part_no.'<br> * $msgball dump<pre>'; print_r($msgball); echo '</pre>';
!                       return 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->fetchbody($mailsvr_stream, $msgnum, 
$part_no, $flags);
                function phpgw_fetchbody($msgball='', $part_num_mime='', 
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
                        $msgnum = $msgball['msgnum'];
                        $part_no = $msgball['part_no'];
!                       return 
$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom']->fetchbody($mailsvr_stream, $msgnum, $part_no, 
*** 216,225 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
!                       //return $this->a[$acctnum]['dcom']->fetchbody($stream, 
$msgball['msgnum'], $part_num_mime, $flags);
 $this->get_arg_value('msgnum'), $part_num_mime, $flags);
!                       //return $this->a[$acctnum      
]['dcom']->fetchbody($stream, $msgball['msgnum'], $part_num_mime, $flags);
!                       return 
$this->a[$this->acctnum]['dcom']->fetchbody($stream, $msgball['msgnum'], 
$part_num_mime, $flags);
--- 216,225 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
!                       //return 
$this->a[$acctnum]['dcom']->fetchbody($mailsvr_stream, $msgball['msgnum'], 
$part_num_mime, $flags);
 $this->get_arg_value('msgnum'), $part_num_mime, $flags);
!                       //return $this->a[$acctnum      
]['dcom']->fetchbody($mailsvr_stream, $msgball['msgnum'], $part_num_mime, 
!                       return 
$msgball['msgnum'], $part_num_mime, $flags);
*** 343,349 ****
                                $fldball['folder'] = 
$this->get_arg_value('folder', $fldball['acctnum']);
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        $server_str = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_callstr', 
!                       if ($this->debug_session_caching > 2) { echo 
'class_msg: get_folder_status_info: will use $stream ['.serialize($stream).'] ; 
$server_str ['.$server_str.'] ; $fldball: '.serialize($fldball).' <br>'; }
                        // do we have cached data in L1 cache / class object 
var, that we can use
--- 343,349 ----
                                $fldball['folder'] = 
$this->get_arg_value('folder', $fldball['acctnum']);
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $fldball['acctnum']);
                        $server_str = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_callstr', 
!                       if ($this->debug_session_caching > 2) { echo 
'class_msg: get_folder_status_info: will use $mailsvr_stream 
['.serialize($mailsvr_stream).'] ; $server_str ['.$server_str.'] ; $fldball: 
'.serialize($fldball).' <br>'; }
                        // do we have cached data in L1 cache / class object 
var, that we can use
*** 370,374 ****
                        $return_data['uidvalidity'] = 0;
!                       $mailbox_status = 
                        // cache validity data - will be used to cache 
msg_list_array data, which is good until UID_NEXT changes
--- 370,374 ----
                        $return_data['uidvalidity'] = 0;
!                       $mailbox_status = 
                        // cache validity data - will be used to cache 
msg_list_array data, which is good until UID_NEXT changes
*** 443,448 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
!                       $retval = 
                        return $retval;
--- 443,448 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
!                       $retval = 
                        return $retval;
*** 450,455 ****
                function phpgw_search($criteria,$flags='')
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream');
!                       $retval = 
                        return $retval;
--- 450,455 ----
                function phpgw_search($criteria,$flags='')
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
!                       $retval = 
                        return $retval;
*** 458,464 ****
                        $acctnum = (int)$target_fldball['acctnum'];
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        $folder = $target_fldball['folder'];
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->createmailbox($stream, $folder);
                        return $retval;
--- 458,464 ----
                        $acctnum = (int)$target_fldball['acctnum'];
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        $folder = $target_fldball['folder'];
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->createmailbox($mailsvr_stream, $folder);
                        return $retval;
*** 467,473 ****
                        $acctnum = $target_fldball['acctnum'];
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        $folder = $target_fldball['folder'];
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->deletemailbox($stream, $folder);
                        return $retval;
--- 467,473 ----
                        $acctnum = $target_fldball['acctnum'];
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        $folder = $target_fldball['folder'];
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->deletemailbox($mailsvr_stream, $folder);
                        return $retval;
*** 476,483 ****
                        $acctnum = (int)$source_fldball['acctnum'];
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        $folder_old = $source_fldball['folder'];
                        $folder_new = $target_fldball['folder'];
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->renamemailbox($stream, $folder_old, 
                        return $retval;
--- 476,483 ----
                        $acctnum = (int)$source_fldball['acctnum'];
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        $folder_old = $source_fldball['folder'];
                        $folder_new = $target_fldball['folder'];
!                       $retval = 
$folder_old, $folder_new);
                        return $retval;
*** 513,517 ****
                                $folder_long = $this->get_folder_long($folder);
                                // create the specified target folder so it 
will exist
                                // try again to get the real long folder name 
of the just created trash folder
--- 513,517 ----
                                $folder_long = $this->get_folder_long($folder);
                                // create the specified target folder so it 
will exist
                                // try again to get the real long folder name 
of the just created trash folder
*** 569,584 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       //$stream = (int)$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream');
                        $msgnum = (string)$mov_msgball['msgnum'];
                        $mailbox = $to_fldball['folder'];
!                       //echo 'mail_msg(_wrappers): interacct_mail_move: 
$acctnum: '.$acctnum.' $stream: '.$stream.' $msgnum: '.$msgnum.' 
$mailsvr_callstr: '.$mailsvr_callstr.' $mailbox: '.$mailbox.'<br>';
                        // the acctnum we are moving FROM *may* be different 
from the acctnum we are moving TO
                        // that requires a fetch then an append - FIXME!!!
!                       //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = $tmp_a['dcom']->mail_move($stream ,$msgnum, 
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->mail_move($stream ,$msgnum, $mailbox);
!                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                        return $retval;
--- 569,581 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       //$mailsvr_stream = 
(int)$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
                        $msgnum = (string)$mov_msgball['msgnum'];
                        $mailbox = $to_fldball['folder'];
!                       //echo 'mail_msg(_wrappers): interacct_mail_move: 
$acctnum: '.$acctnum.' $mailsvr_stream: '.$mailsvr_stream.' $msgnum: 
'.$msgnum.' $mailsvr_callstr: '.$mailsvr_callstr.' $mailbox: '.$mailbox.'<br>';
                        // the acctnum we are moving FROM *may* be different 
from the acctnum we are moving TO
                        // that requires a fetch then an append - FIXME!!!
!                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->mail_move($mailsvr_stream ,$msgnum, 
                        return $retval;
*** 591,603 ****
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
!                       //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                       //$retval = $tmp_a['dcom']->expunge($stream);
!                       $retval = 
!                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
!                       return $retval;
-               //function phpgw_delete($msg_num,$flags=0, $currentfolder="") 
                function phpgw_delete($msg_num,$flags=0, $currentfolder="", 
--- 588,596 ----
                                $acctnum = $this->get_acctnum();
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
!                       //echo 'mail_msg(_wrappers): phpgw_expunge: $acctnum: 
'.serialize($acctnum).' $mailsvr_stream: '.serialize($mailsvr_stream).'<br>';
!                       return 
                function phpgw_delete($msg_num,$flags=0, $currentfolder="", 
*** 610,614 ****
                        // now get the stream that applies to that acctnum
!                       $stream = $this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', 
                        if (($this->get_isset_pref('use_trash_folder', 
--- 603,608 ----
                        // now get the stream that applies to that acctnum
!                       $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
!                       //echo 'mail_msg(_wrappers): phpgw_delete: $acctnum: 
'.$acctnum.' $mailsvr_stream: '.$mailsvr_stream.' $msg_num: '.$msg_num.'<br>';
                        if (($this->get_isset_pref('use_trash_folder', 
*** 625,638 ****
                                        // delete session msg array data thAt 
is now stale
!                                       //return imap_delete($stream,$msg_num);
!                                       //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                                       //$retval = 
$tmp_a['dcom']->delete($stream, $msg_num);
!                                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->delete($stream, $msg_num);
!                                       //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                                        return $retval;
-                               // FIXME: from here on needs that $acctnum 
and.or $stream NEEDS TO BE SPECIFIED!
--- 619,628 ----
                                        // delete session msg array data thAt 
is now stale
$this->expire_session_cache_item('msgball_list', $acctnum);
!                                       //return 
!                                       $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->delete($mailsvr_stream, $msg_num);
                                        return $retval;
*** 651,659 ****
                                                // create the Trash folder so 
it will exist (Netscape does this too)
!                                               $server_str = 
//$this->createmailbox($stream,$server_str .$trash_folder_long);
                                                // try again to get the real 
long folder name of the just created trash folder
!                                               $official_trash_folder_long = 
$this->folder_lookup('', $this->get_pref_value('trash_folder_name'));
                                                // did the folder get created 
and do we now have the official full name of that folder?
                                                if ($official_trash_folder_long 
!= '')
--- 641,649 ----
                                                // create the Trash folder so 
it will exist (Netscape does this too)
!                                               $server_str = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_callstr', $acctnum);
//$this->createmailbox($mailsvr_stream,$server_str .$trash_folder_long);
                                                // try again to get the real 
long folder name of the just created trash folder
!                                               $official_trash_folder_long = 
$this->folder_lookup('', $this->get_pref_value('trash_folder_name', $acctnum));
                                                // did the folder get created 
and do we now have the official full name of that folder?
                                                if ($official_trash_folder_long 
!= '')
*** 669,675 ****
                                                // delete session msg array 
data thAt is now stale
!                                               //return 
--- 659,665 ----
                                                // delete session msg array 
data thAt is now stale
$this->expire_session_cache_item('msgball_list', $acctnum);
!                                               //return 
*** 677,690 ****
                                                // delete session msg array 
data thAt is now stale
                                                // we do not have the trash 
official folder name, but we have to do something
                                                // can't just leave the mail 
sitting there
                                                // so just straight delete the 
!                                               //return 
!                                               //$tmp_a = 
!                                               //$retval = 
$tmp_a['dcom']->delete($this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream'), $msg_num);
!                                               $retval = 
!                                               //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = 
                                                return $retval;
--- 667,677 ----
                                                // delete session msg array 
data thAt is now stale
$this->expire_session_cache_item('msgball_list', $acctnum);
                                                // we do not have the trash 
official folder name, but we have to do something
                                                // can't just leave the mail 
sitting there
                                                // so just straight delete the 
!                                               //return 
!                                               $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->delete($mailsvr_stream, $msg_num);
                                                return $retval;
*** 694,704 ****
                                // delete session msg array data thAt is now 
!                               //return imap_delete($stream,$msg_num);
!                               //$tmp_a = $this->a[$this->acctnum];
!                               //$retval = 
$tmp_a['dcom']->delete($this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream'), $msg_num);
!                               $retval = 
!                               //$this->a[$this->acctnum] = $tmp_a;
                                return $retval;
--- 681,689 ----
                                // delete session msg array data thAt is now 
$this->expire_session_cache_item('msgball_list', $acctnum);
!                               //return imap_delete($mailsvr_stream,$msg_num);
!                               $mailsvr_stream = 
$this->get_arg_value('mailsvr_stream', $acctnum);
!                               $retval = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw_dcom_'.$acctnum]->dcom->delete($mailsvr_stream, $msg_num);
                                return $retval;
*** 750,772 ****
                        if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 2) { echo 'mail_msg: 
decode_fake_uri: parse_str('.$uri_type_string.', into $embeded_data 
dump:<pre>'; print_r($embeded_data); echo '</pre>'; }
-                       // parse_str will "urldecode" the folder string, we 
need to re-urlencode it, 
-                       // because "prep_folder_in" is supposed to be where it 
gets urldecoded
-                       while(list($key,$value) = each($embeded_data))
-                       {
-                               if ((strstr($key, 'folder'))
-                               && ((string)$embeded_data[$key] != ''))
-                               {
-                                       $re_urlencoded_folder = 
-                                       if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { 
echo 'mail_msg: decode_fake_uri: re-urlencode (hopefully) folder element 
$embeded_data['.$key.'] from ['.$embeded_data[$key].'] into 
['.$re_urlencoded_folder.'] <br>'; }
-                                       $embeded_data[$key] = 
-                               }
-                               elseif ((strstr($key, 'acctnum'))
-                               && ((string)$embeded_data[$key] != ''))
-                               {
-                                       $make_int_acctnum = 
-                                       if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { 
echo 'mail_msg: decode_fake_uri: $make_int_acctnum (hopefully) acctnum element 
$embeded_data['.$key.'] from ['.serialize($embeded_data[$key]).'] into 
['.serialize($make_int_acctnum).'] <br>'; }
-                                       $embeded_data[$key] = $make_int_acctnum;
-                               }
-                       }
                        // some embeded uri-faked data needs to be raised up 
one level from sub-elements to top level
                        if ($raise_up)
--- 735,738 ----
*** 783,786 ****
--- 749,779 ----
+                                       // re-urlencode folder names, and make 
acctnum 's integers
+                                       /*
+                                       // NOT NECESSARY HERE
+                                       if ((is_array($new_top_level))
+                                       && (count($new_top_level) > 0))
+                                       {
+                                               $loops = count($new_top_level);
+                                               for($i=0;$i<$loops;$i++)
+                                               {
+                                                       // re-urlencode folder 
names, because "prep_folder_in" is supposed to be where it gets urldecoded
+                                                       if 
+                                                       && 
((string)$this_array_item[$i]['folder'] != ''))
+                                                       {
$re_urlencoded_folder = urlencode($this_array_item[$i]['folder']);
+                                                               if 
($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: decode_fake_uri: 
re-urlencode (hopefully) folder element $this_array_item['.$i.'][folder] from 
['.$this_array_item[$i]['folder'].'] into ['.$re_urlencoded_folder.'] <br>'; }
$this_array_item[$i]['folder'] = $re_urlencoded_folder;
+                                                       }
+                                                       if 
+                                                       && 
((string)$this_array_item[$i]['acctnum'] != ''))
+                                                       {
$make_int_acctnum = (int)$this_array_item[$i]['acctnum'];
+                                                               if 
($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: decode_fake_uri: 
$make_int_acctnum (hopefully) acctnum element $this_array_item['.$i.'][acctnum] 
from ['.serialize($this_array_item[$i]['acctnum']).'] into 
['.serialize($make_int_acctnum).'] <br>'; }
$this_array_item[$i]['acctnum'] = $make_int_acctnum;
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                                       */
                                        // replace result with $new_top_level
                                        $embeded_data = $new_top_level;
*** 792,795 ****
--- 785,808 ----
+                       // parse_str will "urldecode" the folder string, we 
need to re-urlencode it, 
+                       // because "prep_folder_in" is supposed to be where it 
gets urldecoded
+                       while(list($key,$value) = each($embeded_data))
+                       {
+                               if ((strstr($key, 'folder'))
+                               && ((string)$embeded_data[$key] != ''))
+                               {
+                                       $re_urlencoded_folder = 
+                                       if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { 
echo 'mail_msg: decode_fake_uri: re-urlencode (hopefully) folder element 
$embeded_data['.$key.'] from ['.$embeded_data[$key].'] into 
['.$re_urlencoded_folder.'] <br>'; }
+                                       $embeded_data[$key] = 
+                               }
+                               elseif ((strstr($key, 'acctnum'))
+                               && ((string)$embeded_data[$key] != ''))
+                               {
+                                       $make_int_acctnum = 
+                                       if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { 
echo 'mail_msg: decode_fake_uri: $make_int_acctnum (hopefully) acctnum element 
$embeded_data['.$key.'] from ['.serialize($embeded_data[$key]).'] into 
['.serialize($make_int_acctnum).'] <br>'; }
+                                       $embeded_data[$key] = $make_int_acctnum;
+                               }
+                       }
                        if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 2) { echo 'mail_msg: 
decode_fake_uri: final $embeded_data (sub parts made into an associative array) 
dump:<pre>'; print_r($embeded_data); echo '</pre>'; }
                        if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 0) { echo 'mail_msg: 
decode_fake_uri: LEAVING <br>'; }
*** 919,928 ****
                        // 4a) use class value $this->acctnum if it exists
                        // 4b) get a default value to use (usually = 0)
!                       if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
grab_class_args_gpc: "what acctnum to use": will look here: <br>'
!                                                               .' * (1) 
function arg $acctnum ['.serialize($acctnum).']<br>'
!                                                               .' * (2) 
!                                                               .' * (3) 
!                                                               .' * (4) last 
resort, calls $this->get_acctnum()<br>'
!                                                               ; }
                        if ((isset($acctnum))
--- 932,936 ----
                        // 4a) use class value $this->acctnum if it exists
                        // 4b) get a default value to use (usually = 0)
!                       if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1) { echo 'mail_msg: 
grab_class_args_gpc: "what acctnum to use": searching...: <br>'; }
                        if ((isset($acctnum))
*** 959,962 ****
--- 967,971 ----
                        && ((string)$got_args['target_fldball']['acctnum'] != 
+                               // at the very least we know we need to login 
to this account to append a message to a folder there
                                $acctnum = 
                                // make sure this is an integer
*** 965,968 ****
--- 974,987 ----
                                        echo 'mail_msg: grab_class_args_gpc: 
"what acctnum to use": will use GPC aquired $got_args[target_fldball][acctnum] 
: ['.serialize($got_args['target_fldball']['acctnum']).']<br>';
+                               }
+                       }
+                       elseif ((isset($got_args['delmov_list'][0]['acctnum']))
+                       && ((string)$got_args['delmov_list'][0]['acctnum'] != 
+                       {
+                               // at the very least we know that we'll need to 
login to this account to delete or move this particular msgball
+                               $acctnum = 
+                               if ($this->debug_args_input_flow > 1)
+                               {
+                                       echo 'mail_msg: grab_class_args_gpc: 
"what acctnum to use": will use GPC aquired $got_args[delmov_list][0][acctnum] 
: ['.serialize($got_args['delmov_list'][0]['acctnum']).']<br>';

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