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[Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/inc/adodb/,

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/inc/adodb/,
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 05:51:48 +0100

Update of /phpgwapi/inc/adodb
Added Files:
        Branch: proposed-0_9_18-branch

date: 2004/12/30 04:51:48;  author: skwashd;  state: Exp;  lines: +164 -0

Log Message:
switch to ADOdb
 * @version V4.50 6 July 2004 (c) 2000-2004 John Lim (address@hidden). All 
rights reserved.
 * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. 
 * Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, 
 * the BSD license will take precedence. 
 * Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
 * Latest version is available at
 * Requires PHP4.01pl2 or later because it uses include_once

 * Concept from address@hidden 
 * @param db            Adodb database connection
 * @param tables        List of tables to join
 * @rowfields           List of fields to display on each row
 * @colfield            Pivot field to slice and display in columns, if we want 
to calculate
 *                                              ranges, we pass in an array 
(see example2)
 * @where                       Where clause. Optional.
 * @aggfield            This is the field to sum. Optional. 
 *                                              Since 2.3.1, if you can use 
your own aggregate function 
 *                                              instead of SUM, eg. $sumfield = 
 * @sumlabel            Prefix to display in sum columns. Optional.
 * @aggfn                       Aggregate function to use (could be AVG, SUM, 
 * @showcount           Show count of records
 * @returns                     Sql generated
 function PivotTableSQL($db,$tables,$rowfields,$colfield, $where=false,
        $aggfield = false,$sumlabel='Sum ',$aggfn ='SUM', $showcount = true)
        if ($aggfield) $hidecnt = true;
        else $hidecnt = false;
        //$hidecnt = false;
        if ($where) $where = "\nWHERE $where";
        if (!is_array($colfield)) $colarr = $db->GetCol("select distinct 
$colfield from $tables $where order by 1");
        if (!$aggfield) $hidecnt = false;
        $sel = "$rowfields, ";
        if (is_array($colfield)) {
                foreach ($colfield as $k => $v) {
                        if (!$hidecnt) $sel .= "\n\t$aggfn(CASE WHEN $v THEN 1 
ELSE 0 END) AS \"$k\", ";
                        if ($aggfield)
                                $sel .= "\n\t$aggfn(CASE WHEN $v THEN $aggfield 
ELSE 0 END) AS \"$sumlabel$k\", ";
        } else {
                foreach ($colarr as $v) {
                        if (!is_numeric($v)) $vq = $db->qstr($v);
                        else $vq = $v;
                        if (strlen($v) == 0     ) $v = 'null';
                        if (!$hidecnt) $sel .= "\n\t$aggfn(CASE WHEN 
$colfield=$vq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS \"$v\", ";
                        if ($aggfield) {
                                if ($hidecnt) $label = $v;
                                else $label = "{$v}_$aggfield";
                                $sel .= "\n\t$aggfn(CASE WHEN $colfield=$vq 
THEN $aggfield ELSE 0 END) AS \"$label\", ";
        if ($aggfield && $aggfield != '1'){
                $agg = "$aggfn($aggfield)";
                $sel .= "\n\t$agg as \"$sumlabel$aggfield\", ";         
        if ($showcount)
                $sel .= "\n\tSUM(1) as Total";
                $sel = substr($sel,0,strlen($sel)-2);
        $sql = "SELECT $sel \nFROM $tables $where \nGROUP BY $rowfields";
        return $sql;

if (0) {

# example1
# Query the main "product" table
# Set the rows to CompanyName and QuantityPerUnit
# and the columns to the Categories
# and define the joins to link to lookup tables 
# "categories" and "suppliers"

 $sql = PivotTableSQL(
                # adodb connection
        'products p ,categories c ,suppliers s',                # tables
        'CompanyName,QuantityPerUnit',                                  # row 
        # column fields 
        'p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID and s.SupplierID= p.SupplierID' # 
 print "<pre>$sql";
 $rs = $gDB->Execute($sql);
Generated SQL:

SELECT CompanyName,QuantityPerUnit, 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Beverages' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Condiments' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Confections' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Dairy Products' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 
"Dairy Products", 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Grains/Cereals' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Meat/Poultry' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Produce' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS "Produce", 
        SUM(CASE WHEN CategoryName='Seafood' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS "Seafood", 
        SUM(1) as Total 
FROM products p ,categories c ,suppliers s  WHERE p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID 
and s.SupplierID= p.SupplierID 
GROUP BY CompanyName,QuantityPerUnit

# example2
# Query the main "product" table
# Set the rows to CompanyName and QuantityPerUnit
# and the columns to the UnitsInStock for different ranges
# and define the joins to link to lookup tables 
# "categories" and "suppliers"
 $sql = PivotTableSQL(
        # adodb connection
        'products p ,categories c ,suppliers s',        # tables
        'CompanyName,QuantityPerUnit',                          # row fields
                # column ranges
' 0 ' => 'UnitsInStock <= 0',
"1 to 5" => '0 < UnitsInStock and UnitsInStock <= 5',
"6 to 10" => '5 < UnitsInStock and UnitsInStock <= 10',
"11 to 15"  => '10 < UnitsInStock and UnitsInStock <= 15',
"16+" =>'15 < UnitsInStock'
        ' p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID and s.SupplierID= p.SupplierID', # 
# sum this field
        # sum label prefix
 print "<pre>$sql";
 $rs = $gDB->Execute($sql);
 Generated SQL:
SELECT CompanyName,QuantityPerUnit, 
        SUM(CASE WHEN UnitsInStock <= 0 THEN UnitsInStock ELSE 0 END) AS "Sum  
0 ", 
        SUM(CASE WHEN 0 < UnitsInStock and UnitsInStock <= 5 THEN UnitsInStock 
ELSE 0 END) AS "Sum 1 to 5", 
        SUM(CASE WHEN 5 < UnitsInStock and UnitsInStock <= 10 THEN UnitsInStock 
ELSE 0 END) AS "Sum 6 to 10", 
        SUM(CASE WHEN 10 < UnitsInStock and UnitsInStock <= 15 THEN 
UnitsInStock ELSE 0 END) AS "Sum 11 to 15", 
        SUM(CASE WHEN 15 < UnitsInStock THEN UnitsInStock ELSE 0 END) AS "Sum 
        SUM(UnitsInStock) AS "Sum UnitsInStock", 
        SUM(1) as Total 
FROM products p ,categories c ,suppliers s  WHERE  p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID 
and s.SupplierID= p.SupplierID 
GROUP BY CompanyName,QuantityPerUnit

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