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[Phpgroupware-cvs] bookmarks/setup/phpgw_tr.lang,

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] bookmarks/setup/phpgw_tr.lang,
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 06:17:47 +0100

Update of /bookmarks/setup
Added Files:
        Branch: proposed-0_9_18-branch

date: 2004/12/30 05:17:47;  author: skwashd;  state: Exp;  lines: +66 -0

Log Message:
adding turkish support - patch #3496
%1 bookmarks have been deleted  bookmarks       tr      %1 yer imleri silindi
%1 bookmarks imported from %2 successfully.     bookmarks       tr      %2'den 
%1 yer imleri baþarý ile alýndý.
(comma separate multiple addresses)     bookmarks       tr      (Çoklu adresler 
için virgül ayýracý)
<b>note:</b> this currently works with netscape bookmarks only  bookmarks       
tr      <b>Not:</b> Þimdiki iþlem sadece Netscape yer imleri ile çalýþýr.
all bookmarks   bookmarks       tr      Tüm yer imleri
and     bookmarks       tr      Ve
append this message to mailed bookmarks bookmarks       tr      Bu iletiyi 
postalanmýþ yer imlerinin sonuna ekle.
ascending       bookmarks       tr      Týrman
book marks      common  tr      Yer imleri
bookmark changed sucessfully    bookmarks       tr      Yer imi baþarý ile 
bookmark created successfully.  bookmarks       tr      Yer imi baþarý ile 
bookmark not editable   bookmarks       tr      Yer imi düzenlenemez
bookmark not readable   bookmarks       tr      Yer imi okunamaz
bookmarks       common  tr      Yer imleri
bookmarks settings      bookmarks       tr      Yer imi ayarlarý
change bookmark bookmarks       tr      Yer Ýmini  Deðiþtir
close this window to return     bookmarks       tr      Baþa dönmek için 
pencereyi kapat
create bookmark bookmarks       tr      Yer imi oluþtur
create new bookmark     bookmarks       tr      Yeni bir yer imi oluþtur
date added      bookmarks       tr      Tarih eklendi
date changed    bookmarks       tr      Tarih deðiþtirildi
date last updated       bookmarks       tr      Tarihin son güncellmesi
date last visited       bookmarks       tr      Tarihin son ziyareti
descending      bookmarks       tr      Alçal
edit bookmark   bookmarks       tr      Yerimi düzenle
edit this bookmark      bookmarks       tr      Bu yer imini düzenle
enter the name of the netscape bookmark file<br>that you want imported into 
bookmarker below.   bookmarks       tr      Almak istediðiniz Netscape yer imi 
için bir isim girin<br>.
fewer   bookmarks       tr      Daha az
filter by       bookmarks       tr      Filtrele
found a link you might like     bookmarks       tr      Hoþlanacaðýn bir link 
from    bookmarks       tr      Kimden
from category %1        bookmarks       tr      kategori %1 'ten
highest bookmarks       tr      Highest
i thought you would be interested in the following link(s):     bookmarks       
tr      Bence bu linklerden hoþlanacaksýn:
import bookmarks        preferences     tr      Yerm imi al
like    bookmarks       tr      hoþlanmak
list    bookmarks       tr      Listele
lowest  bookmarks       tr      Lowest
mail this bookmark      bookmarks       tr      Mail this bookmark
mail-this-link message sent to %1.      bookmarks       tr      Mesaj %1 
adresine yollandý.
mass update:    bookmarks       tr      Yýðýn olarak güncelle:
message from    bookmarks       tr      leti
more    bookmarks       tr      Daha
name    bookmarks       tr      sim
name is required        bookmarks       tr      sim gerekiyor.
netscape bookmark file  bookmarks       tr      Netscape Yer Ými Dosyasý
netscape bookmark filename is required! bookmarks       tr      Netscape yer 
imi dosyasý için isim gerekiyor!
new     bookmarks       tr      Yeni
please fill out <b>to e-mail address</b>, <b>subject</b>, and <b>message</b>!   
bookmarks       tr      Lütfen bu alanlarý doldurun. <B>Gönderilecek olan 
e-posta adresi</B>, <B>Konu</B>, ve <B>Ýleti</B>!
query condition bookmarks       tr      Sorgu Koþulu
rating  bookmarks       tr      Oranlama
search for:     bookmarks       tr      Ara:
send bookmark   bookmarks       tr      Yer imi gönder
sub category    bookmarks       tr      Alt Kategori
to address %1 invalid. format must be <strong>address@hidden</strong> and 
domain must exist!    bookmarks       tr      %1 gönderim adresi geçersiz. 
Biçim þu þekilde olmalý <strong>address@hidden</strong> ve alan adý var olmalý!
to e-mail addresses     bookmarks       tr      Gönderilecek e-posta adresi
to which category should the imported folder hierarchy be attached      
bookmarks       tr      To which category should the imported folder hierarchy 
be attached
total visits    bookmarks       tr      Toplam ziyaret sayýsý
tree view       bookmarks       tr      Aðaç görünümü
unable to open temp file %1 for import. bookmarks       tr      thal edilecek 
%1 dosyasýnýn açýlmasý olanaksýz.
url is required.        bookmarks       tr      URL gerekli.
view bookmark   bookmarks       tr      Yer imlerini görüntüle
view this bookmark      bookmarks       tr      Bu yer imini görüntüle
warning bookmarks       tr      Uyarý
you are viewing this site outside of phpgroupware       bookmarks       tr      
Bu siteyi phpGroupWare'in dýþýnda görüntülüyorsun.
you must select a category      bookmarks       tr      Bir kategori 

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