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[Phpgroupware-cvs] tts/setup phpgw_tr.lang,1.2

From: gugux
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] tts/setup phpgw_tr.lang,1.2
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 22:27:00 +0200

Update of tts/setup

Added Files:
     Branch: MAIN
            phpgw_tr.lang lines: +73 -0

Log Message:
branches:  1.2.2;
Added turkish lang file from patch #3496. Thanks to Serkan Cilingir.

Index: phpgw_tr.lang
action  tts     tr      Ýþlemi yap
add new ticket  tts     tr      Yeni bir bilet ekle
add ticket      tts     tr      Bilet ekle
additional notes        tts     tr      Ek olan notlar
admin options   admin   tr      Yönetici seçenekleri
assign to       tts     tr      Birine ata
assigned from   tts     tr      Birinden atanmýþ
assigned to     tts     tr      Birine atanmýþ
attachment      tts     tr      Ek
attachment changed      tts     tr      Ek deðiþti
billable hours  tts     tr      Hesaplanabilir saatler
billable hours changed  tts     tr      Hesaplanabilir saatler deðiþti
billable hours rate     tts     tr      Hesaplanabilir saat oraný
billable rate   tts     tr      Hesaplanabilir oran
billable rate changed   tts     tr      Hesaplanabilir oran deðiþti
category changed        tts     tr      Kategori deðiþti
clear form      tts     tr      Belirtilen yerden sil
closed  tts     tr      Kapalý
create new ticket       tts     tr      Yeni bilet oluþtur
creates a new ticket, returns ticket_id tts     tr      Yeni bilet oluþturur, 
ticket_id döndürür
creates a struct of tickets     tts     tr      Bilet yapýsý oluþturur
date opened     tts     tr      Açýk olan tarih
deadline        tts     tr      Son teslim tarihi
deadline changed        tts     tr      Son teslim tarihi deðiþti
detail  tts     tr      Detay
effort  tts     tr      Efor
effort changed  tts     tr      Efor deðiþti
force   tts     tr      Güç
group ownership changed tts     tr      Grup sahibi deðiþti
in progress     tts     tr      Ýþlem yapýlýyor
latest note added       tts     tr      Enson not eklendi
new ticket      tts     tr      Yeni bilet
new value       tts     tr      Yede deðer
no additional notes     tts     tr      Ek not yok
no notes for this ticket        tts     tr      Bu bilet için not yok
no tickets found        tts     tr      Bilet bulunamadý.
not assigned    tts     tr      Atanmamýþ
old value       tts     tr      Eski deðer
open    tts     tr      Açýk
open date       tts     tr      açýk olan tarih
opened  tts     tr      Açýldý
opened by       tts     tr      tarafýndan açýldý
original ticket details tts     tr      Orjinal bilet detayý
platform        tts     tr      Platform
platform changed        tts     tr      Platform deðiþti
prio    tts     tr      Prio
priority        tts     tr      Öncelik
priority changed        tts     tr      Öncelik deðiþti
re-assigned     tts     tr      Tekrar atandý
re-opened       tts     tr      Tekrar açýldý
returns a struct of a tickets history   tts     tr      Biletin geçmiþinin 
yapýsýný döndürür
returns a struct of values of a single ticket   tts     tr      Bir biletin 
deðerinin yapýsýný döndürür
returns the additional notes attached to a ticket       tts     tr      Bilete 
sonradan eklenen notlarý döndürür
status/date closed      tts     tr      Durum/Tarih kapalý
subject changed tts     tr      Baþlýk deðiþti
test    tts     tr      TEST
ticket  tts     tr      Bilet
ticket has been updated tts     tr      Bilet güncellendi
tickets found %1        tts     tr      %1 bilet bulundu
tickets open %1 tts     tr      Açýk olan biletler %1
tickets total %1        tts     tr      %1 tane toplam bilet
to go back to the tts index, click <a href= %1 >here</a>        tts     tr      
tts index'e geri dönmek için, <a href="%1">buraya</a> týklayýn
total billable  tts     tr      Toplam hesaplanabilir
trouble ticket system   common  tr      Bilet Sorun Sistemi
tts     common  tr      Bilet Sorun Sistemi
tts preferences tts     tr      Bilet Sorun Sistemi - tercihler
type    tts     tr      Tip
type changed    tts     tr      Tip deðiþti
updates ticket  tts     tr      Bileti günceller
use email notification  tts     tr      E-posta uyarýsýný kullan
view all tickets        tts     tr      Tüm biletleri gör
view job detail tts     tr      Ýþin detayýný gör
view only open tickets  tts     tr      Sadece açýk biletleri gör

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