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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Project Structure

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Project Structure
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 07:32:45 -0700
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Reiner Jung wrote:
Cool, all the jonny come late make the job for "your" project?

I am not trying to say "my" project in the sense that I am the only reason its as good as it is. Its a community effort. But I feel like its father and the project is very dear to me, and in this I have some sense of personal ownership to its growth and future. This does not seem like any mistery. I am certain that jengo, skeeter and ceb all feel similair, as well as anyone else who has started an OSS/FS project.

The have
the rights to create code for you? the have the rights for translation.
The have the rights to give support.
Have they more rights, or it is enough that they be members in your

They have right to be part of the phpGW community. But I dont think they have the right to kick the founding four out of the project.

What is here the difference between between people which organize the
translations and other things and the API programmer? Is the API
programmer a better man only why he knows how programming in PHP.

As far as being the person to organize, I think they are as important as eachother. I was think more along the lines of deciding issues of code.

I am not going to assign my code away. I was planning to in the past, but with this type of crap turning up it will be a cold day in hell before it happens. Same for the domain.

Yes, this a real democratic way to handle a project. When you don't
agree with me, the i have my code and my domain. This are your

I never said phpGW was a real democracy.

OK. Now you have cleared up the limit of the CT. Basicly you want it run by popular vote of the contributors. This is terribly flawed because people outside of the issue are of equal vote

This terrible flaw is democracy

There are very few pure democracies in the world. It has been proven that represnative democracies work better.

Its an interesting discussion. But as it is setup now I will simply not agree. I will pull back control of the project and force it to fork before it will even come close.

How you pull back control over the project? You want kick all out which
not agree with you?

Means I would let it fork before passing phpGW on to a structure I cannot agree with.


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