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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Technical questions

From: Alex Borges
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Technical questions
Date: 22 Aug 2003 16:28:27 -0500

This is an apache/DNS configuration issue.

1.- You should have an external DNS that resolves to the external
address so that redirects to the server get the right ip .

2.- Your apache has the local ip as servername, that is fine, make shure
the url in the coresponding setup  section has the full url (minus last
/) so that links and redirections are generated with the exact name you

3.- Oviously, combine 1 and 2 to have the domain name of the server as a
real domain to outsiders.

El vie, 22-08-2003 a las 06:54, Lars Olsson escribió:
> Hi.
> I have my phpgroupware server behind a firewall. The firewall redirect 
> incomming packets to the phpgw server.
> When trying to go to the login page from outside the web browser tris to 
> connect to the phpgw machines local ip (192.168....).
> I think I have done all setup correctly but i does not work.
> Any idea?
> How is the best wat to secure the communication between my "roadwarrior" 
> users and the phpgroupware server? SSL?
> Thanks in advance
> Lars Olsson
> address@hidden
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